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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2021 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Is your consultants firm a registered architectural firm? you are rebuilding an entire house and even though a PE can submit the plans to the authorities (URA, BCA, etc) the PE may not have the full knowledge of the regulations on designing and planning for a house. A PE would charge around 20k for his role in designing the structure for a house and coordinating with the submissions to BCA, LTA, PUB, etc. so assuming the 40k quote includes the PE fees, see how much is left for the architect (if any) and the profit margin of the consultant. maybe your consultant will get a freelance architect to design your house for a fee but don’t expect anything fancy in the design since this architect would most probably use back an existing design and adjust it to your site dimensions. most IDs would not have knowledge of landed housing and the requirements. So they may suggest things which can’t conform to regulations. If you yourself don’t have the knowledge and you don’t have a proper architect to advise you, your house may end up not in adherence to regulations and you may have issues obtaining TOP after construction is finished. I would suggest you either go to an architectural firm to work on your project or check with your consultancy firm on whether there would be an architect involved in your project or not. If there is, get the name and registration number of the architect to check on BOA website to confirm. building a house costs a lot of money and some money can’t be saved. The worst thing you want to happen is to start off in the wrong foot and this will end up costing you more than what you though you could have saved.
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