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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/29/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Normally precon survey is done to document the existing conditions of neighboring houses so that claims which are made can be verified. Whether illegal structure or not is covered I’m not too sure. But if the structure is already there and damage is a direct result of the construction, the builder should rectify the damages. survey is not needed unless you want to confirm encroachment and such. Even then, there’s no need to submit to URA if you are just doing an A&A. that’s why I had advised you to find an experienced builder instead of relying on your contractor. Normally people who had not done landed houses before do not known the processes required
  2. 1 point
    Have finally moved into my humble abode recently and decided to warn anyone here who is looking for renovation contractor because I had the worst experience. I am not revealing the company name here because my problem is quite unique and I think the Contractor himself can easily identify himself. So PM me if you want to have the details, I know it is an inconvenience but I seriously do not want to invite trouble since I'd be living alone and am powerless against someone with deep pocket like him. Yes, consumers are no longer the kings these days. HDB ought to do something about these errant contractors.
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