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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/22/2020 in all areas

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Rental management software for real estate properties can include end-to-end functionality such as marketing, rental applications, tenant screening, property management, payment processing, and accounting.
  3. 1 point
    hmm...then does it mean my builder not that good coz he said in 2010, he built (i think he means erection, A&A, reconstruct) slight more than 100houses! Before i sign up with my architect, i was in his office and i saw his 2010 projects (on his computer) also look like more than 50 coz they were in folders on his computer I think i'm going to hijack your thread and post my builder and architect's contact coz i'm sick of replying to countless pm on contacts. Every time i'm out of town i receive PM then don't reply feel bad. Reply like waste my sleeping time. Details of my project 1) Reconstruction (hack everything except pillars and staircase) 2) New walls for entire house using red bricks (even boundary walls) 3) 2storey become 2.5storey 4) 4rooms become 5rooms 5) 2toilets become 4toilets 6) land size 1846sqft buildup (i think it's 2800sqft,never ask before) before was about 2000sqft 7) no piling, did new footings 8) Did not share projects with others or neighbors etc. 9) No tender done SL Goh Builders Ben Goh 6447 9703 9693 7064 Design Archcrylic Kelvin Quah 6570 9856 93878056 Kitchen Koncept William Teo 6270 8548 9296 2518 My ++ Interior (friend) Ronnie Lin 9746 7020 generally happy with all of the above. I can work peacefully without having to worry about them communicating with each other and i don't have to keep going down to check on the site. Pleased that i'm able to solve issues through the phone! So i guess this means project management good?
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