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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Swimming pools (whether sunken or raised) are not allowed to be within the green buffer. You will never be able to get approval for it in replacement of the green buffer. Well, It is not impossible to build a swimming pool on the adjoining wall side and still maintaining it as a semi-detached. You can either "internalize" the swimming pool (whether it is open to sky, or covered - depending on the design/your requirements) meaning it is considered as within the house, or you just still need to maintain a certain percentage of the house still adjoining the neighbour. How much percentage has to be reasonable of course and will be dependent on URA's evaluation/decision. And how they decide would probably be based on many factors - shape of the land, size, how much of the neighbour is "built" up already etc. Depends on how "creative" the design is lol. Is there any reason you wouldn't just consider construction it on the "non-adjoining" side?
  2. 1 point
    Pool is consider ancillary structure and Cat 2 roads got requirement. Cant post link so... Google for Ura semi-detached green buffer
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