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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2020 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    So iQuartz is made in China, sorry my mistake i though is made in Singapore. I do have a few questions... 1. How many color does iQuartz has? 2. Does iQuartz has pure white color such as SilesStone Zeus Extreme or CaesarStone 1141? 3. What are the available thickness? 4. Can food preparation be carry out on iQuartz surface safely? 5. Is there any data sheet or testing report that can confirm this? I have a very convincing suggestion... if iQuartz can produce the same test report done by CaesarStone and SilesStone that your numbers are on par or even more superior than the 2 market leaders, then with your affordable pricing you will get a very huge chunk of this market, both local and international.
  2. 1 point
    no, i'm not selling quartz. i'm using it at my new house, it is expensive but is really money well spend.
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