Just for infor.
Example an outdoor lap pool with internal dimension as 10M Length x 2M Width x 1.5M Depth, the cost (no profit) of material only (no labor & machinery as this varies between builders) for Architectural & Structural (meaning pool base & pool wall excluding pool decking) is already $29K to $31. Also to note this cost does not include Architectural & Structural for Balancing Tank, Assuming Balancing Tank takes up half the pool, You'll be looking at material only cost (No profit, no labor, no machinery) of $43.5K to $46.5K
Pool Pump & Filtration System, in my 20 years experience database, quotation range from $15K to $25K.
So the builder potential payout for material & pool sub-contractor range from $58.5K to $71.5K. Remember Labor & machinery cost not factor in yet.
I'm just helping all who are not in the industry to understand the cost component.
The pool size as mentioned above is based on reasonable conservative size which is suitable to be at the side of a semi-d house (Side set back 2 metre)
Also to note if pool is build on soft earth, piling cost will be added which further increase the cost.