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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/2019 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    I would choose the first one: 1. Living room - bigger space, 2nd design you will have the area beside household shelter under utilised. 2. Bedroom - 3450 will allow you to put wardrobe + bedside table + queen size bed 3. Bathroom - allow you to separate wet and dry area although door opens to living room / dining area 4. Kitchen - more counter top space if you do 2 rows of cabinets The 2nd design, I like the household shelter door open towards the kitchen but then the first design still win. Having said all, it all depends on your lifestyle and preference. Taking into consideration which part of the house where you spent the most time in and your hobby, you have to choose the one that suits you most. Oh, and not to forget the amenities and travel convenience of each location and the East / West facing of the units.
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