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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/01/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Master Long Tian Xiang just did the feng shui audit for my place today. First, he did the door opening ceremony for us, quite a simple ceremony, without any need for incense or prayer. He just asked me to buy 1x pineapple and 4x orange and 1 packet of sweets. He rolled the pineapple into the middle of the living room and the oranges to the 4 corners of the living room. Then we entered the flat and he proceeded to do the fengshui audit. Asking us to throw sweets into all rooms before we leave. Then, he accessed the direction of the door facing and rooms using his luo pan. And accessed our ba zi. He advised us on the location of the "Wealth Corner" which he said ours is leaking as it ends up outside the 3 bedrooms and the wealth have to be split to the 3 bedrooms. But we already have the intention of placing our altar at that corner so he said its a good decision since altar is the best way to stabilize the wealth corner. He also taught us how to prepare our own "Wealth securing object" to be placed in a drawer on the altar. It can be done using cheap stuff readily available at incense stores. Not necessary to buy from fengshui shops. Which he said would cost a few thousand. I took the liberty of asking my ID along for the audit. So he started grilling the ID on the design and give advices. Basically, our design conforms quite well to fengshui and no changes are necessary. He also asked the ID on the color schemes and gives advices accordingly. Then he accessed the 2 bedrooms which i left empty, telling us where to place the beds/tables if the room is used by elderly/children. Then he provided us with a guide on how to do the moving house ceremony. We already had a auspicious date booklet from him from our wedding dates selection so he said we can just use any of the dates in the booklet for "Renovation Start" and "Moving house". He also accessed the surrounding area of my place, like the corridors and the garden outside (which he said doesn't affect us much since we are at lvl 16). Basically thats what happened during the FS audit. Hope it helps.
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