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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/2019 in all areas

  1. 6 points
    Had used the HCL89 from the http://hcl89.byethost10.com site before. I had an issue with my grouts from my resale flat where the grouts were black due to dirt. Tried using the above product and it managed to turn back my grouts back to the natural white grouts. Also tried to use the HCL89 on my kitchen backsplash tiles/grouts and it basically rejuvenated the backsplash tiles/grouts for me back to its original self The HCL89 product seems to work much better than others that i have used before and seems to have to have solved the stained tiles and grouts problem for me My 2 cents
  2. 5 points
    I will never recommend anyone to use kerosene to clean anything as kerosene is extremely flammable and quite corrosive to tiles, there are much better products in the market
  3. 4 points
    I don't think you can grind parquet from what i remember as parquet is basically wood, grinding it will cause alot scratches on the parquet
  4. 3 points
    The thing is no matter what colour grout you use you will still need to spend time and effort to keep your grouts clean
  5. 2 points
    Its not necessary but if you do it would look nicer as it would blend in with the newly laid tiles
  6. 2 points
    What i remember is that grinding actually grinds down the tile material but polishing seems to only to polish the tile enamel only
  7. 2 points
    Had managed to use the HCL89 product from the http://hcl89.byethost10.com site. I used it polish some granite floorings i had in my living room. Previously my granite floorings had become dull over the years of usage but after using the HCL89, it had managed to repolish my granite tiles to their original lustre. Really extremely happy with the outcome of the product which had made repolishing my own granite tiles a breeze An easy to use product if anyone is thinking of doing any granite/stone polishing diy
  8. 2 points
    You can clean the tile using some something called HCL89. I usually get it from http://hcl89.byethost10.com or http://hcl89.atwebpages.com What it does is that it cleans your wall tiles and also helps to create a protection for it so that always remains new. Hope this helps you out
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