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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Blog Entry Date: 10th December 2018 MondayClick Here to go back to Page 1 - Table of ContentsOne Year Retrospective 3/5 - Bathroom It has always been my dream to have my very own Bathtub in my own home and enjoy a nice relaxing soak after a long workday. So you can imagine my disappointment when I found out that my bathroom is simply too small to hold a bathtub...sigh. Oh well...on the brighter side, at least that means I won't have to deal with a super high water bill every month. 1 year later, I am still happy with how my bathroom looked and functioned despite not having a Bathtub. Everything still holds up very well. My Thoughts after 1 year: - Having a Dark Coloured Bathroom really does feel very classy compared to a standard HDB Bathroom although it still boils down to personal preference. I personally find that stains aren't as prominent on a Dark Coloured Bathroom as compared to a Lighter Coloured Bathroom. - Having Sandpaper Rough tiles for the Wet Area was a VERY GOOD IDEA to prevent accidental slips. In this 1 year, never have I ever once slipped. Cleaning isn't as troublesome as you may think, but you do have to put in a little effort to mop it. Also due to how rough it is, your mop might wear out faster. - Unless your design calls for it, the default HDB toilet bowl is good enough, you don't have to change it. I never had any problem with mine. - There is no need to install Warm White lights in a Bathroom if you are on a tight budget as Cool White are good enough. I honestly seldom use them, but they do enhance the look, making a Dark Coloured Bathroom look even classier lol. - Do ensure you have space allocated to put pails away. No point taking the effort to design a nice bathroom only to have no space to store your pails and having them look so out of place. My pails are stored under the Vanity counter as shown below. I cannot use the typical standard bathroom water pails so I have to use low profile basins instead. - After using Grohe for 1 year, I personally feel it is nothing special. In fact, as you have read in my previous blog entry when I first installed it, I was very disappointed that the default HDB Shower Head produced a stronger water pressure compared to a Grohe Shower Head. - That said, if you want stronger water pressure, Storage Tank would definitely be a better choice than Instant Heaters. If you are a 2 roomer, 20L capacity Storage Tank would be more than enough for a single person. The Ariston Andris Slim 20 I got worked great. If your bathroom can fit one, I highly recommend it. (Do check with your ID though, I have folks who PMed me that their Bathroom couldn't fit it for some reason.) This concludes my thoughts and views for my Bathroom after using it for 1 year. I hope this information helps you in planning for yours. Click Here for the Next Blog Entry: One Year Retrospective 4/5 - Living Room Click Here to go back to Page 1 - Table of Contents
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