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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/18/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Indeed bathroom window is very different. In fact this harkens back to 80s style bathroom window Your sliding door looks good. Interesting HDB now don't use standard door anymore. DB-Box is also intelligently designed and positioned in a nice place. How I wish the architect who designed my place used abit of brain when designing position of my dbbox lol
  2. 1 point
    Looks like HDB got rid of the bathroom 2-door layout for the 2-room flexi flats in the latest BTO. The bathroom door now opens up to the living/dining room and there's a corner for a shower.
  3. 1 point
    As for now, these are the only furniture that I have for the living room. My 2 seater scanteak sofa! ">http:// My little sweet bench for me to wear my shoes before heading out! ">http://>
  4. 1 point
    I have changed the previous bedroom doors to nyatoh solid doors as I found the previous bedroom doors too hollow to my liking! My nyatoh solid door! ">http:// My "naughty" poster on the door! waahahaha ">http://>
  5. 1 point
    The past few weekends were spent in cleaning and washing the whole house... The ultra dirty window! How could anyone not cleaned their windows?! ">http:// After 3 hours of cleaning and washing.... ">http://> Despite more than 3 times of mopping the floor, the floor is still covered with dust. I am going to wash the floor instead of mopping the floor now. I will update with more photos later... Off to wash the floor now... Ciao...
  6. 1 point
    I love that colour!! Before, when I painted our rooms, I would buy painter's tape, and tape out the edges that I did not want to bleed into. After the paint dried, I peel the tape off. It is A LOT of work though and it killed my shoulders. AND the tape wasn't cheap. Truth be told, only I could tell where I missed. I did not notice your edge as the colour drew my attention first Great job!
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