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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I hope this thread becomes the "database" where users of this site can access to know which are the IDs/contractors to stay away from. This is for IDs/contractors who cheat/ scam/ fraudulent/con, and not for bad services. The following is my experience. ID Gerald Tang Company: Pure Concepts
  2. 2 points
    Hi Fiona, obviously she has no money to pay, this is what you can do, ask your father to create an invoice include all transport fee for running up and down, get all document ready, log in to small claim (SCT) to file your claim, and wait for her to contact you.
  3. 1 point
    This type of so call ID are no real ID, unless he proven his skill but did you see how he draw? these people have been there spoiling the design market, owner has to open up their eye by checking if they are dealing with a real ID or just someone who working in a renovation company that calling themselves ID company....? 20 Years ago we charged designing fee, today we were forced to provide free design fee, it all caused by these scam people. Alot of good ID already given up this Job, it is sad to see home owner simply calling their contractor as their ID because their namecard saying they were the ID, but yet design decision partly decided by owner itself and expected their ID do a good workmanship under their command. The owner is the ID or the ID is the ID
  4. 1 point
    Thanks for dropping by. I have not been updating this blog for some time. Some things I am very happy with, like my vertical gardens and koi ponds. Some others like my Silestone counter-tops, they have all turned off white. I also wished I had more than one network point to each room, and more water points everywhere. I did only A&A, never touched anything structural. My roof is an open roof terrace. I merely changed some of the timber decking. There is a small roof where the staircase goes up, but I never touched that roof. p.s. I am surprised that the photos on my first few pages are still showing. I thought Photobucket already pulled the plug because I refused to pay?
  5. 0 points
    Hello Everyone, I'm new to this forum and have been troubled by some issues recently and would hope this is the right platform to seek for advise and provide everyone here with some insights. My father is a renovation contractor that does mostly aluminium installations as well as general home product fixtures. He was contacted by the aforementioned company in the title and installed a window for them under their directions. However, upon completion of said job, the ID decided to 'play' with my father by asking him to drive all around the region to look for her as well as wait for up to an hour for her to be 'free' to pass him a cheque. After a week or so, he managed to get ahold of her and she passed him a cheque with the amount written incorrectly. So on second attempt, my dad drove down to get her and he did receive a proper cheque, however, UOB contacted my dad and told him that the sender's account has been closed. A police report has since been made but we all know that that will lead to no positive outcome considering that the police are not debt collectors. Does anyone have any advise pertaining this situation?
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