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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/03/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    It's not the stone part that you need to worry about. I have done a lot of testing with Quartz and KompacPlus (stain, heat etc), so maybe I can chip in. Even though this thread is super old, maybe someone will find this helpful. Quartz SURFACES are not 100% Quartz stone. The best ones (like Caesarstone) is 93% Quartz stone. The rest 7% are resins and other chemicals to give it the design (quartz on itself looks like glass). Most of the quartz surfaces are able to take heat upto 150 degree Celsius. Beyond which, the resins start to get discolored. I tested this on white quartz which eventually turned brown/yellow. Kompacplus and EDL Compact can take heat up to 180 degree Celsius. But beyond this, they get burned in a completely different way. You start seeing burn marks as if it is real wood that someone set on fire. Some even form boils and bubbles.
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