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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2018 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    HIhi, yes I've included that on the post above yours, hope that it's helpful. When you convey your ideas to your contractor, it's very important to provide them a lot of visual aids as well as be firm with your ideas
  2. 1 point
    Maybe April 2019. I noticed you attaching your mood board / inspiration pics, but do you have any 3D design or render? I'm very curious how you convey your ideas/desires/instructions to the contractor, since as you mentioned the contractor is not a designer.
  3. 1 point
    Hi all, on this post, I'll like to go through how we have worked with our contractor on our home design. Based on my experience thus far, it is really crucial to provide contractors some form of visual representation of the design you had in mind, instead of relying on verbal communication as they are very busy people and tend to miss out on certain details. During the first couple of meet-ups with my contractor, we ran him through our moodboard and the floor plan so as to brief him on the design requirement using visual aids. Our Moodboard that we presented to our contractor: Next, we took him through the masonry requirements such as which wall to hack by illustrating it on the powerpoint slide below. This is important because they have to know to apply for HDB permit. Next we provide him our ceiling and flooring requirement like the below. Then we drill down to every category of the apartment on the design requirement (Standard BTO apartment category includes: Kitchen, dining, main entrance, living, corridor, toilets, each bedroom, service yard). Below is an illustration on how we briefed out requirement for common bathroom. After all these were done, my contractor will get a ID to provide a 3D design of the house based on the requirements that I have briefed him. He is a chinese uncle who speaks limited English. Hence, I was initially worried that he may not get what I've wanted. However, when I received my first draft of my 3D design through him (he has helped to engage an ID to do a 3D for me), the design was exactly what I had in mind. He got it! I was ecstatic. Of course, I've made a few changes here and there, but the overall look and feel remains. Here are the 3D designs provided by my contractor:
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