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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    HAhahha!! U r funny. I wouldn’t have read your thread if you didn’t drop by mine. Love your plants, the marble pot and table, the grey patterned wall on the MBR and walk in wardrobe! Dont need have a monologue with yourself, come chat with the other forumers!
  2. 1 point
    Moved In. Aftermath Part 1. First thing after moving in, I have to settle for the door lock. I didn't want to spend 1k to use digital lock. I also find it troublesome to have so many keys. Therefore decided to go for Duro master lock. One key for all access. I have no idea how to change the lock myself, seems pretty complicate if you don't know how to remove the bolt. As it turn out, actually it is so easy cos only need to remove 1 screw. Before buying lock I still think must pay for people to change or ask ID to help install. End up I do it all myself. This is front gate, I changed the cylinder only. Letter box I also changed. I checked whole block.... I am the only one changed letter box lock, seems like not a popular thing to do. But I don't want so many keys, just 1 master key so had to change. Picture look like never closed properly because if using the new lock the metal piece inside a little different, must use back old lock metal piece inside then can close seamlessly. Very simple job to change just need a adjustable spanner. Main door cylinder, before and after pic, very easy to change, just 1 screw and within a minute it is done. These are the 3 locks I bought which is the Duro DMS V/3B for $168. So now I use 1 key for my letterbox, main door and main gate. However I don't know if i should buy this pad lock or not, cos currently I have no pad lock, if install this one, then I have to lock main door, main gate, padlock, 3 things... now I only lock 2 things already troublesome. This pad lock is going at $138 and I need to pay another $20 to configure the lock to use my same master key. If really buy already, I think maybe no need lock the main gate lock, so only need to lock 2 things, but then, it goes back to square one. Might as well just lock main gate and forget this padlock. So I put this on hold and just live without a pad lock first. So instead of digital lock, I spend $168 to use 1 master key system. Disadvantage so far is it only comes with standard 4 master keys. For bigger family probably 4 keys not enough, I don't know how much they charge to make extra master key. I will update more aftermath soon.
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