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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/16/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    One of my tiles, the grout came off. Is there a place I can buy toilet grout off the shelf for a small quantity? Is it available in any hardware? Need help. I don't Want to call a tiler for this since I am able do it. Appreciate Any help I can get from here. Thank you so much.
  2. 0 points
    Hi all, I'm new here. Just like to find out how to examine the quality of the carpentry woods? Cos Ive been to Zhi seng and their sample ply wood is very light compared to others. And they said this kind of wood is more expensive, better and durable than those normal plywood. Just wonder how true is it. Cos it seems like those cheaper kind of wood to me though. Hi tplittey can i know if u only engage Mr Kok for your carpentary work? How abt the rest of the reno? Cos i'm looking at ala carte my reno works. Thanks ya!
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