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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2017 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    You can polish your marble tiles by using something called HCL89. I usually get it from http://hcl89.byethost10.com or http://hcl89.atwebpages.com What it does is that it removes any stains as well as polishes your marble tiles. It also helps to create a protection for it so that your marble tiles always remains new. You can fill up these holes yourself by mixing white putty (with little grey cement). But how you got these holes if you don't mind me asking? Hope this helps you out
  2. 3 points
    TS you have any pictures of how the holes look like?
  3. 2 points
    You can use something called HCL89 to clean your homogenous tiles and restore them with it I usually get it from http://hcl89.byethost10.com or http://hcl89.atwebpages.com Hope this helps you out
  4. 2 points
    Used the HCL89 from http://hcl89.byethost10.com before, really top notch product, managed to remove all dirty debris from my tiles after the renovation of my new flat, recommended if you want a cheaper solution to acid wash
  5. 1 point
    Well the only complaint i have is it's so tough to keep those shine on stainless steel equipments, keep getting water mark, need to buy a lot of $2 magic spoonge from daiso. Does this also affect Grohe products? I thought people buy Grohe is because their so-called "Starlight" technology make the shine last more longer right? The magic sponge u mentioned sounds interesting though. Mind sharing how it looks like? What i've read is people using Autosol to maintain the shine? I'm not sure I'm that diligent to do that LOL!! I know about this product from renotalk too. I just soak it with tap water and wipe my white ceramic sink and it will get rid of those particles stuck on the sink and make it shinning, Wipe the glossy tap too. No need any soap. I also use this on the shower screen glass and the wall tiles in the wet shower area, it will get rid of a lot of particles on the wall, you can feel those particles off the wall when you wipe it. No idea what techonogy is this, but I am amazed. they call this melamine sponge and those from daiso is cheap at $2 many pieces, I saw the real melamine for i think $7 for just 1 piece and I wonder what will be the different.
  6. 1 point
    I think those non abrasive polishing is meant for those tiles that are glossy or marble like
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