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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    yeah looking at the gas heater catalog now. never been a fan of rinnai nor white appliances! the silver one looks ok la. any idea whether it will work ok with a rainshower? im worried abt the water pressure, but if its better than the water pressure of an instant heater then i guess its an improvement haha. yeah i thought about blanco, but i always hear that their sinks are notoriously expensive. i wouldnt mind if its less than a thousand bucks, and would be a bonus if it comes with the chopping board & dish drainer like the LEIVI one. edit : had a look at the naya 6, seems like the sink is rounded at the inner part. i want a squarish one. i can be anal over things like that haha. mine isnt a resale flat. its a new flat bought direct from hdb 17 years ago lol, so basically the next BTO is like our second and last chance at a new flat. i actually wont be doing much hacking afterall, only 1 bedroom wall and hoping to keep my reno at around 20K or less. we actually miscalculated abt the amount of CPF going back to the special account so...gotta do away with lotsa things. im still optimistic though. i think a nice home isnt about all the built in stuff but how you furnish it. with some plants and trendy furnishings it can look very nice too! taobao has lots of designer replica furniture and lighting and im soooo excited looking at them!
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