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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/21/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    3D Drawings (II) What we did here was to try to make all things woody to prevent having the Scandinavian feel. We deliberately changed the laminates of the dining and MBR to the 2 we were contemplating and the 3D turned out really shocking! We even got Evorich to send us samples because we might need to reconsider our choice of flooring. But we realised that our choice of flooring actually looks really pretty! It's the 3D drawing that is misleading. -__- 3D drawings are excellent in helping us to visualise the design but honestly I think 2D drawings suffice. The colours are way off! And so, with the flooring sample, we made another trip to Lamintak. Before going over, we looked through countless pictures that gives off the feel of what we are looking for, and we finally found out what we actually needed. Thanks to the researcher fiance who can tell what determines the feel of what we want. I look at the picture, I only know I like it. The fiance will analyse why we like it and report his findings lol. Another problem with laminates is the what you see in the catalog and what you see on the samples (A4 or smaller) and what you see in real-sized can vary. And I am quite the perfectionist I am pretty anal with it comes to this. If there is just a bit that I don't like, it needs to be changed. I think, we have settled on our choice of laminate; and we will be using it throughout the home. Just 1 laminate for all carpentry (except kitchen and toilet). And we ain't getting getting E to change the 3D drawings for us; we trust our own eyes. TIP: Please always get samples of whatever - countertop, flooring, etc. And, get a few that you like. You never know when you may change your mind along the way and it's a huge hassle to go get the samples later.
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