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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    there is a philips carnival sales next week, 19th - 21st May. can go and look for some of your essentials. http://www.philips.com.sg/c-w/promotions/carnival-may17.html#promotion
  2. 1 point
    lol... good to set aside more.. at least won't scramble for $ if set aside just exact amt.. I haven't decide on where to get my furnitures and appliance.. when the time comes.. have to look out for fairs.. talking of fairs.... if this wkend you are free, can check out Expo.. they having this fair... Home Inspirations 2017(06 May, 2017 - 14 May, 2017, Time: 12:00 - 22:00) http://blog.poya-events.com/ this blog is by the event organiser and shows the companies that will be there...
  3. 1 point
    That is very fast! had been following ur reno since day 1 I hope the wait will be over very very soon
  4. 1 point
    Almost there!!! Looking forward to the complete work ~ I'm still waiting patiently for mine. PCD End may!
  5. 1 point
    woohoo.. ryanyth, Congrats!!!! Your journey has started!!!! I'm looking forward to your updates and hope to pick a few pointers as a fellow 35sqm bto roomer.. 25K set aside for Reno, I am also hoping you share your furniture and electrical appliance cost when the time comes.. so I also know roughly how much to put aside.. sorry if I ask too much.. paiseh.. lol.. coz no one else I know is getting keys as of now.. I am excited for you... cannot wait to see all the pics of your hse... pls do post lots of them...
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