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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Thanks for the compliment! Wishing you a smooth reno journey!!
  2. 1 point
    Scheduled my window blinds and built-in oven delivery on the same day. One shot two bird ehhh Dropped by E's workshop to discuss with the boss on several issues. Took the chance to take a look at my wardrobe and kitchen cabinets. Almost done and ready to be installed.
  3. 1 point
    @Azhar Ali & @NoraChen i had just send both of u the contact
  4. 1 point
    First of all, wow due to your name, i didn't realize you were female, so when you say Vanity Dresser, i was abit stun. Actually, for small 35sqm apartments like us, one can either see it as "Glass Half Full, or Glass Half Empty". House that some interpret as small, others can interpret as cosy. Problems that bigger apartments have, may be easier to solve with a smaller apartment (Eg: Aircon will be much easier to cool a smaller rather then larger space.) Lets go thru your concerns you have here: 1) You want 55 inch TV, for me i want 65 inch TV Distance wise, don't be afraid to go down Courts or Harvey Norman, find an actual 55 inch then measure distance where you might sit. Our living room may be small, but its not as small as you think. After going to several IDs, the general consensus is 50-55 inch is ideal, 65 inch still can do, but very subjective. So yours should be ok. 2) If really must wardrobe in bedroom, instead of the typical boxy wardrobe look, why not think out of the box abit, and have a hanging style like this picture below? Certainly looks super unique and can give a WOW factor when visitors visit your house. Depending how you design, it can even act as a partition. 3) Vanity Dresser again need not be the stereotypical boxy type with mirror. Something like this would look unique and cool. Can be vanity dresser, can also be study table. 4) Toilet put bathtub is something I also want, but I need to be realistic also due to our small space. Will also need to consider the increased price if put bathtub. This is unfortunately a hard fact that sometimes sacrifice may be needed. Vanity mirror in the toilet is not unheard of, but is whether you feel comfortable or not. (Some people may die die not want because they think toilet is super dirty) Who knows maybe you put vanity dresser in toilet, sekali you like leh? 5) Kitchen wise, yes its small, but you need to see how often you cook, also what type of cooking you do. Are you a frequent cook? Do you cook western style? Chinese style? Is induction cooker modern look nice? Or do you like to have gas cooker with big fire for chinese wok cooking? Counter space is another factor need to consider. Place is very small, then why not make your OWN counter space. For me, my solution for more counter-space is for a dining cart (which dual function as storage, and i love that its portable so i can move it anywhere) You might want to have slide-in slide out to create more counter space like the one below. (Of course it will cost more) End of the day, this is your apartment, YOU decide what you want. Cannot draw, nevermind. Go internet or magazines save photos of designs and decors that particularly catch your eye. Compile a list of designs or colour style decor you like and save them. One fine day go thru all of them and slowly have a mental picture of what you want. That way, when you go ID, you know what you want instead of the ID guessing what you want. Then again ID job is to help u design even if u completely no idea. It helps expedite the process of course if u have at least a vague idea instead of everything let ID decide. Sorry for typing so much lol! Hope it helps. Please feel free to discuss, thats what the forum is for also
  5. 1 point
    of cos i rmb! thks for the compliment frankly speaking with my platform, after sitting awhile u feel like lying down.... lol! so if those 1.5ft width bench not enough to lie down leh
  6. 1 point
    Nice designs and nice sharing of the contractors .Kudos bro.enjoy your new house....
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