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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/2017 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Had the same algae/mold and hard water stains problem same as TS, so i purchased the HCL89 thing from http://hcl89.byethost10.com as recommended I used it a couple of months back and so far the algae/mold and hard water stains problem seems to be gone Looks like it worked out well for me, thanks
  2. 1 point
    Any one did any purchase from Royal House (The Rome Gallery) PTE LTD at "MY Home" Fair, Singapore expo during July 2016? My family member purchased one 2 seater sofa. Now the seller "Mr Quinn" is not contactable. He doesn’t response to call or text. He went to the office, it closed. My family member has already made a police report. Wondering any buyer manage to get their purchase item. If your purchase item is not due to delivery, suggest you check the status
  3. 1 point
    Final Pics: Post from before: Hello everyone, after lurking around like many people here, asking for more information and learning more things as time goes, finally decide to contribute to future couples on their reno. Below is my floor plan. After much contemplation, I have decided to select a unit with the bomb shelter in the kitchen. Bigger living area, shorter but wider kitchen (I can live with that).. Requirements 1. Walk in wardrobe (wife want to enjoy life) 2. Dressing Table that can hold 2 people (my wife say I always snatch dressing table with her for work) 3. Closed but open feel kitchen (dunno how to explain this... basically is a close kitchen but must look like open kitchen) 4. Must keep all the doors, no sealing of any doors (wife is like garang guni.. everything must keep... thats why my current room like garang guni also)... 5. her theme is Scandiavian (which subsequently wifey gives alot of nonsense ideas... one of which is a concrete plastered wall... .. HELLO NOT INDUSTRIAL LEIII) 6. My theme is minimalist (which i subsequently give in to her theme more... makes my life easier) 7. Study table for 2 8. Island / high top (i forsee we wun be eating often at the dining table cos wifey likes to watch TV and eat... after eating she must stand like being punish for 1 hr.. told her doesnt help slim down cos she is still growing rounder ) ID / Contractor Search I have a total of 12 quotations or more.... I am lucky to meet most of the better IDs / contractors... My advice, don't go crazy like me and my wife.. Go for maybe 2 or 3 compare prices and get a feel... going too many only confuse and tire yourself.. I read online and notice alot of people being conned etc. hence I went for many many quotations which only confuses myself and my wife. Hence, we drag till 1 month after key collection, then we decided on the contractor. So let me get started on the list. Rejected *decide to delete away since no point putting IDs I have rejected* Worth a Mention Habitech - Top 3 of another fellow renotalker SingaSamurai, was shown into the flat of ID as her "Showroom". I must say, the couple really shows they know their stuff. They give a lot of ideas that newbies like us will never be able to think of. Their show room is those kind, open door.... WOW kind... But the quotation came back also.... WOWWWW.. Something I like about them is, they are very very very very detailed. Each customer will have an individual file with timeline, floorplan, carpentry measurements per drawer in details.... dun think anything will be missed out.. Go for them if you want someone you can trust with flair in design.. and abit more money to spend... The Interior Lab - Another top 3 of SingaSamurai.. ID is a honest guy. He is the one that proposed us on how to use our space efficiently.. quote came to be quite reasonable, but on the high side... did not shortlist him cos the price is not really within our budget after much calculation Diva - Selected by SingaSamurai.. Nice guy.. met him twice, feel he is those responsible kind.. he said, unless you want to let him earn, he recommend you to get lights or other stuffs outside that are recommended by his other clients that he heard is cheaper... He recommended alot of the practical stuffs.. Wife say no feel with him... maybe he too quiet and honest... Lol..
  4. 1 point
    Thank you for loving my home!!! I guess I was very focused on end results, not so much about the start to end journey. Cos, when things happened, it happened fast. I didn't do a lot of hacking. My walls, floor remained the same, I only redid the 2 bathrooms, wardrobe, kitchen and tore down a bunch of built in stuff which i didn't need/like/want
  5. 1 point
    Thanks Spooky! I used various shades of grey laminates throughout the house. Kitchen is the darkest shade, wardrobe lighter and vanity medium shade.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    electrical & plumbing Jackie 91824672 False ceiling, cove light holder & L box Nick 94502746 Carpenter Ah Gen 90022016
  10. 1 point
    My Vhive study table overlooking the park, very affordable, functionable and don't look bad right?
  11. 1 point
    In line with my 'forest" theme. My candle holders waiting to be hung up.
  12. 1 point
    As with a child, acquiring a house is the first step to a lifetime of responsibility. A house demands frequent maintenance, from painting it and replacing broken fixtures to remodelling a room and restoring the tiling. You can probably finance most of these needs yourself, but if a major overhaul becomes necessary, you may require more money than you have. However, you don’t need to put your plans on hold till you amass the required funds. Simply walk into a bank and take a home improvement loan.
  13. 1 point
    I thought so, was thinking something along those lines actually
  14. 1 point
    Especially toilet is hard to keep dry at all times, but not impossible though
  15. 1 point
    I mentioned above that I got my 1st quote from 1 ID at about $18k. That starts myself from thinking... do I want to spent that much of $$ on renovation alone, exclude furniture and electrical appliances...? My answer is a BIG NO! I started to research more and join Renotalk to read about other people's reno journey. Inspired by Benetay's TBlog: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/topic/70245-21k-theme-less-3-room-bto/ Do I need a featured TV wall? How much time I spent watching TV? Is there a need for a TV in the 1st place? Later on, inspired by arnold's TBlog: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/topic/70921-4-room-bto-simple-home/ Platform seems to be a good idea to solve the storage issue? since our floor area is limited, why not look into vertical instead of horizontal? So far, these are some rough ideas I have. General recommendation is: need to spend time to do homework to know what you want and what you dont want.
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    You need to maintain your wall tiles or tiles from caulk so that it will always remains dirt free. In my case i use something called HCL89. I usually get it from http://hcl89.byethost10.com or http://hcl89.atwebpages.com What it does is that it cleans your wall tiles/glass and also helps to create a protection for it so that always remains new. Hope this helps you out
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