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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/2017 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    I have bought a white cooker hood and hob. I think I'm out of my mind. Anyway, I'm the one that do the washing, so is OK!
  2. 1 point
    How to buy from Taobao? It is not very difficult if you understand a bit of Chinese. Let me SIC the step by step guide here for you! TIP: I choose a direct forwarder based in China over Ezbuy which charges you agent fees on top of shipping fee. I got this contact from another forum and quite satisfied with his services. He even take picture of my orders in his factory when requested. He is currently charging sea shipping fee of 450RMB per CBM. You will need to communicate with him via Wechat app. Step by Step guide: Step 1 : Shortlist a suitable forwarder to ship your Taobao orders. List of other Taobao forwarders: - https://www.dpex.com/ - http://amconexpress.com/ - http://www.peeka.com.sg/ Alternatively, you can always use the selected forwarders on Taobao website for less hassle (but more expensive). Step 2 : Register your account on Taobao -> https://www.taobao.com/ and use the shipping address provided to you by your selected forwarder. Guide - https://sea.taobao.com/howtobuy Step 3 : Start shopping on Taobao using the text search (english works too!) and image search (only Taobao China website can support). Once you found the item you like, add to cart. And when you are done shopping, check out and submit payment. TIP : Use http://itools.com/tool/google-translate-web-page-translator if you need to translate the whole website to English. Step 4 : Your forwarder may send you a packaging list (for my case) and you need to enter the shipment information on to this list so that your forwarder can check all items are well received before shipping your orders to Singapore. Step 5 : Once you are ready to ship all your Taobao purchases to Singapore, submit this packaging list to your forwarder. Typically it takes about 2 weeks to ship to Singapore. Step 6 : Once your items reached your place, pay the delivery guy the shipping fee (per CBM) + GST in SGD. TIP : If you are expecting huge shipment (more then 2CBM, it will be advisable to prepaid to the forwarder via Alipay as the exchange rate for SGD (if you choose to pay in SGD) is not favorable... I incur $30+ more for my second batch shipment. Repeat step 3 - 6 if you have more items to purchase!
  3. 1 point
    what happened after 3d rendering?
  4. 1 point
    HERF is just a term came up by Evorich, nothing more than that. There are many brands of vinyl flooring out there and there are difference in quality, design, price etc. Evorich is a very popular brand which TS used. I personally use LURF which is a different brand. These are all "luxury vinyl tiles" which have locking system with big planks. This is to differentiate between the old and cheap type of vinyl which is basically just a big plastic sheet used to cover the floor.
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