Hi thanks for commenting. She did all sorts of things to chase that old lady's spirit away. She even screamed at the old lady in the middle of the night when she pinched the toes of my brother inlaw & herself. And she's a real peeping Tom when anybody uses the mbr toilet. After screaming, things were peaceful for about 1 week plus then this horrible old lady came back with a crazy vengeance. She did all kinds of things including sending dining table crashing to the floor. It got so bad that the neighbours nearby put up talisman & religious gadgets above their doors. The worse part was a regular postman whose a Malay uncle remarked that when he delivered a parcel to one of my nieces whose always buying things online, he saw an old lady sitting at the sofa looking at him. But not responding when he told her to sign for the parcel. Eventually, my sister inlaw found this taoist medium with a home shrine in a landed property at Joo Chiat, somewhere behind the dumpling store at Everitt Road. She is pretty well known as the "bai yi gu niang" (lady in white) medium. She was being driven to my sis inlaw's flat in hougang at about 6 plus in the evening & she wasn't in trance. Jux like us normal folks. My sis inlaw told me that she started by burning 3 joss sticks & talking in a funny language to the Tua pekong. Then, she entered the mbr, left door opened & started talking in hokkien, teochew & all of a sudden switched to Chinese. My sis inlaw & her hubby didn't see anybody but she saw that the medium was standing near the centre and talking to nobody towards the direction of the mbr toilet. Then the old lady complained that she had no "kuo lu qian" to bribe her way to where she's supposed to go. The medium told her never to return to disturb anybody once she takes the $$ and go. My sis inlaw followed her instructions, and went down & burn the paper $$ and offerings to her. She said that it was a blood chilling moment becox there was very very strong wind while she was burning. To be very frank, I didn't believe in the "guo lu qian" thing until I heard about this story & what happened to another freak accident case I think in Clementi. The son died there as he was being ran over. Then he appealed to his father on his sufferings & eventually, a few coffee drinkers nearby caught a glimpse of his shadowy self loitering along the road... And seems to be weeping. it's scary & sad! Back to my sis inlaw's flat, it's been 4-5 years already & seems like it is peaceful but her flat remains dim. All her 3 kids are mainstream degree holders, of whom one of them is a government scholar.