I've used The Helping Hand (a charitable organisation) in my last 3 moves (and I do move every 2 years!). They were excellent -- very efficient, quick and affordable. They even moved my piano...very carefully and better than professional piano movers!
Hi aaronteresa!
You can check out The Helping Hand... http://www.thehelpinghand.org.sg/services.php
My current place is a Walk up Apt and they did a good job...
Hi, Just saw your request ! Here is a photo of my chimmy hood. As there is a beam right above the hood, the hood cannot be extended to the ceiling . Therefore, my ID installed a FOC shelf on top the hood to cover the hole. Thanks ID.
Guess where I am this morning? I'm not a big fan of egg mcmuffin but since free just take lor! haha New updates... my lights, solid surface top and ceiling fan up up up. Kitchen Hob and hood, as well as tap... up up up! Toilet lights My MBR toilet vanity and sink... up up up