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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/30/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi joejoeteng, It is true that gas heaters aren't able to heat up the water immediately but the time it takes to reach the desired temperature will obviously depend how hot you like your shower. On my usage experience, it takes no more than 10 seconds for the water to heat up during the cooler months and lately, just a couple of seconds. If you are concerned with the heating time, you can always set the thermostat of the heater higher and use your mixer to control the temperature and this should reduce the heating time. As for the noise, I use the common bathroom daily while my wife uses the other one. The gas heater is mounted right below the common bathroom window and I can hear the sound of the flame when the heater is operational but it doesn't bother me. The louder sound would be the one "popping" sound when the flame is turned on or off. All in all, I will recommend the gas heater over electrical heaters due to the cost savings from reduced electricity use.
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