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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/19/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Been thinking of ways to change the colour of the aluminium bar above the sliding door to the toilet I think alot have this aluminium bar to cover the tracks of the sliding glass door. I don't like the look of it so I changed it to a textured copper My taobao stuff has finally come in. Took a long while to unwrap because they were very heavy! Pic of the TV console. Fits my modern industrial theme very nicely. Very pleased!
  2. 1 point
    Did you install a flush mount sink? I am looking into this right now, but cant seem to find anybody talking about this. Seems to me that this is the better choice as compared to top mount or under mount. Only downside is that the sink is pricer, and that it is only available in stainless steel.
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