sorry, which holes you referring to? LOL. Actually, ants are so small, they can simply even live in a crack in your grout line...*touch wood* - not that my grout line has cracks. I think it's not possible to have no ants. Can reduce them by ensuring cleaning up of food drips on table/counter and throwing the trash out every day . Yes, i found ants....they usually appear at dining table area. Just a few here and there, not idea where they came from. They don't march in a army like those in my parent's house, you can trace them one whole line going back 'home'. My place's ants are more loner types, you see one or two appearing on a ad-hoc basis. There is also a lizard living somewhere in my kitchen. I have never seen it, but I have cleaned up it's droppings a few times liao. Luckily my entire kitchen wall is tiled, just wipe with Mr. Muscle and the brown streaks comes off cleanly.