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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hi, Is $900-$1000 a reasonable amount to pay for haulage fee? It's for a new 4room BTO with no HDB tiles. I.e. contractor will buy sand and remove debris for tiling works.
  2. 1 point
    Hi wyx03_2002, i think the best way is to cut away the piping which runs on the floor all the way to the drainage. Just let the water drip on the floor since it's the wet area (if your toilet wet area is the same as mine). I am afraid those piping on the floor will allow mold to grow between the wall and pipe since it is a bit difficult to clean. and not forgetting the hair trapped in between.
  3. 1 point
    looking for credible ID with good workmanship and reasonable price.
  4. 1 point
    Hi, could you kindly quote for the replacement and installation of two new sets of adjustable louver windows in white powder-coated aluminum-finished in my 2 bathrooms for my HDB 5-room resale flat? Also, how much would it cost to install the louvered bi-fold door for the bathroom?
  5. 1 point
    Dear all, Will be renovating a 15 year old condo and wanted to get your advice on the brand of LED lights for false ceiling, cove lights etc. Would also like to install 2 CCTV in the house as well as LAN points for all rooms and perhaps a wireless router to cover blind spots in kitchen and yard. Would there be any company that provides above services and are specialist in the items described above? For CCTV recording, is it possible to view live via tablets/hand phone and recording goes into NAS (QNAP, Synology etc) instead of dedicated hard disk recorder? As for network, what shall I look out for in order to successfully set up LAN points to all rooms from the ONT/Singtel router (as well as wireless WIF coverage in blind spots of the house). Thanks very much. Mike
  6. 1 point
    Can you please pm me about id and led distributor contact at sherrywong02@gmail.com? Thank you
  7. 1 point
    Bro, contact the distributors lar. He is selling top grade LED. Pain one time, all use LED, monthly Electrical bill will reward us long term
  8. 1 point
    Hihi Can I have James and mr k contact too? Thks!
  9. 1 point
    Hi, I have been interested by these. But, how easy is it for a burglar to cut the wire? I imagine these grilles are more to stop people falling out, than thieves coming in? Thanks for the post.
  10. 1 point
    No.. no 3D pictures. He didnt volunteer to draw any, and I didn't ask for any. Actually, I've been wanting to ask, what is 3D pics used for? To better imagine how stuff will look?
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