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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2014 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    30 Sept to 01 Oct 2014 - Day 15 & 16 of Renovation Oh Yeah!! Fast Fast Fast Progress!! Cement Screeding works was done within a day and left overnight to dry. Andy's tiler wasted no time in the "safe zone", working on the kitchen cabinets base plinth, tile skirting and constructing the concrete support for our sink from scratch. The eventual result would be carpentry enveloping the exposed concrete areas to give an unified look. Next morning, another sub con came to box up the recessed areas at the MBR & Living Room walls and also solved the eye sore on the ceiling problem as well. Andy's team used partition boards in the MBR and calcium silicate boards in the Living room. I cannot tell much difference as both materials feel very sturdy. There is a process to seal up together with chemical bonding as well. Pretty neat and experienced works there! It was actually a roller coaster day for me! Received a morning call from Andy about the potential delay for my MBR Toilet wall mosaic tiles until early Nov. The Golden Week in China affects the Supplier's initial mid Oct shipping schedule. At first, I wanted to continue to wait as I had already sourced high and low from Hup Khiong, Unlimited, Hafary, Soon Bee Huat, Rice Fields, An Huat and GFA before finally deciding on my current choice. But later in the day, Andy somehow managed to source an even nicer alternative mosaic tile from Hup Khiong's new arrivals. Oh yeah! Now we're back on the fast track again! Ended the day positively with my confirmed selection on Paint Colours and Veneer Doors laminates as well. Looking forward to meeting the Aircon guy this Sat and also the Carpenter on next Monday. This is only Day 16 of my Renovation.
  2. 1 point
    Hi All, Finally decided to write down my reno journey. Not a fan of writing/blogging but I'll try to note down as detail as possible. Also, pardon my lousy english >.< Here's some photos of the unit. Doggy guarding our maindoor From Entrance Living Room Kitchen Hallway Room 1
  3. 1 point
    Hello!! Like everyone, hubz and I decided to start a T-blog to jot down our ­reno progress, hoping to share some useful information to future homeowners (just like how we learn from bro/sis here!). We had gotten the keys to our first house in late Aug and almost completed with our BSC rectifying process (will talk more about it later). If everything goes as planned, we will be able to start our reno soon in a week time! Here’s our floor plan and will go into more details of our reno in later post. Open Door Day… HUAT AH~!~!
  4. 1 point
    Congrats, Bianzi! Everything looks so good.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    I have finally moved in on the first day of Oct 2014! .. I hope I can stop surfing the reno forums, checking out public toilet tiles and cafe deco... I think I have built an extra sensor for that since the start of my reno .. Hahaha.. It is an addiction and I need my life back!! Nevertheless, home decoration seemed like a continuous effort.. .. Next need to concentrate on how to operate the new appliances that I got and of course... Unpacking! It might take another 2 months I suppose? Hahah
  7. 1 point
    Done for you as I went back home tonight to put some stuff... u can refer to below pics ... White light Cool light Warm light 3W x 4 spot lights Overview of Living Hall + Dining Hall
  8. 1 point
    Harriette, I've gotta to tell you this... I've been reading your blog since the beginning and even before, during and after my renovation. You are sooooo helpful and really nice of you to reply to so many requests that came your way. I remember those days when I seek feedback from some forummers, I didn't always get a respond. You're the best! God bless!
  9. 1 point
    Flooring updates - Loving the homogeneous tiles! So far so good. Once tiles done, will be shifting the electrical points. Doggy testing the floor - feeling good!
  10. 1 point
    So far, I really like my Ikea kitchen. It is very functional. And white makes the space looks bigger. I have seen pictures of the new Ikea kitchen online - they looks really modern and sleek.
  11. 1 point
    29 Sept 2014 updates on photos continued Baby's room LED light Toilets & Service Yard LED light Dining Room LED ceiling light Kitchen non-LED ceiling light
  12. 1 point
    30/12/2014: All photos in this page have been consolidated in post #24
  13. 1 point
    Yup, all the IDs I asked never do before and had to check with their contractor before they can get back to me lol. It's quite common overseas, though they probably do on their main door for the dog to go into the garden ect, but not in sg.. so i'm quite worried, not sure if he can do a good job as he seems uncertain until I show him some images i found online. Well, can only wait and see the result. *Finger crossed*
  14. 1 point
    Continued... REVIEW OF FREE LG MICROWAVE Sharing this here because I'm sure quite a few people have bought LG products recently from roadshows etc. and been promised a free LG microwave. (And to make things complicated, the retailer will refuse to tell you the make/model of the microwave because they are worried that by the time you collect it, they won't have enough stock & have to give you another model instead... If you don't tell me the make/model how I am supposed to know the dimensions & build my carpentry lei? Funny people...) In case you had experienced the same problem as me, wonder no more because I am sharing the dimensions/ appearance/ experience of the microwave right here for all to see & to manage your expectations.. But having said all these, CFO & I will still continue using it because it's manageable... - The microwave external dimension is Depth 12" X Width 18" X Height 10" - Internal microwave space is quite small with the working dimensions @ Depth of Base 9" X Width of Base 10.5" X Height 6.5", so don't get your hopes up k? - There is a internal orange light inside the microwave when it is running, but you can hardly see your food cooking because of the mirror-finish on the external face of the microwave.. This is even with the kitchen lights turned off, at night... Oh well... - The mirror finish is so good that you can literally use it as a mirror (e.g. For the trimming of eyebrows/ nose hair.. Popping of pimples.. Squeezing of blackheads.. And a whole lot of other disgusting stuff you wouldn't normally do in a kitchen. But now that you have a mirror in there, you can. Hahaha..) IMPORTANT: By the way, dear readers. Do take note of the clearance needed (clearance at the top is about 1.5" & the width clearance is about 1" on each side) for the #BLUM vertical hinge mechanism when you give dimensions to your contractor/ ID for this particular kitchen carpentry piece. CFO & I didn't experience any problems because the space is just nice, but had a mini scare when trying to fit the microwave into the space. GORGEOUS CONDIMENT HOLDER FROM BUGIS JUNCTION BHG Got this gorgeous scandinavian-colour-theme condiment holder from Bugis Junction BHG at $23.90!! (price as of 21st Sep 2014) Now we need nice looking condiment bottles too... Hmm... INGENIOUS BOMB SHELTER DOOR STOPPER INSTALLATION BY #POSH HOME CFO & I had a heart-drop moment when we realised that our bomb shelter door (when opened carelessly) will wack onto our living area veneer-wrappped vertical beam shelving!! See picture below. If I swing the door any further to the right, I will wack my beloved vertical beam shelf... Sigh. We had given up hope & thought it was one of those things that we have to eventually learn to live with & promised each other to be careful when opening the bomb shelter door... Of course we then just casually told #Edgar about this & he actually went to source for something for us... But we didn't have high hopes honestly. But then #Edgar did a miracle and found exactly what we-didn't-know-we-wanted... He installed this ingeniously shaped door stopper for us! It bends at an angle & affixed to the plate at the end is a white rubber stopper!! SUCH A RELIEF! :D I love this guy. Even the colour of the rubber stopper is white & not the usual black that you can outside for conventional rubber door stoppers! Check it out! Look at the top-left-hand-corner of the photo for the ingenious bomb shelter door stopper Close up of how the door stopper is mounted onto the TOP of the bomb shelter door frame (for better photo comprehension: FYI I opened the door & I'm standing at the bomb shelter doorway, facing upwards with my camera) Lastly, to @ajrenojourney... Thank you @ajrenojourney! Wahahaha... Your comment made me LOL too hahahaha!! And.... That's all so far! I gotta rush off to my ACTA Course Tutorial today liao... Take care and have a productive work day peeps!!
  15. 1 point
    20th Sept progress update Sliding windows @ service yard is completed Window grilles for whole house done Main door holder done , love it! Main door is heavy and i don't like the idea of door stopper because the magnetic strength fades over time.. Adding a holder is the best solution! Will not affect your door alignment and such. Those who are interested in doing it replacing your current existing main-door v-arm into sliding arm you can PM me for contact. Very cheap compare to market & reliable chap to install it for you. (Made in Taiwan product) *p/s: not my friend, just find the chap service very good* My own simple video just to roughly illustrate how it works. Window grilles & sliding window 1st layer of paint up
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    hi they cost me about $50 each for labour. i didn't purchase the tiles - they are spare hdb floor tiles given to each flat.
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    our 10-week reno journey has come to an end. sharing a final set of pictures of our completed home
  20. 1 point
    the last two pieces of furniture -- TV console and chest of drawers -- arrived today
  21. 1 point
    still pending TV console and a chest of drawers, which will be delivered tomorrow, but otherwise, all our other purchases are in!
  22. 1 point
    almost there! forgot to take a picture of the front of the shoe cabinet/divider... plumbing also completed today. mirrors in the bathrooms are also up. we got bamboo mirrors from ikea. no pix cos i forgot... oops. pending: - painting of bomb shelter, service yard and door frames - varnishing of bedroom doors - glass panels and varnishing of kitchen door - glass backing for kitchen - minor rectifications
  23. 1 point
    kitchen right side of kitchen left side of kitchen right side of kitchen with view from service yard for the missing hood, as previously there is some hiccup, so installation of hood gonna delay abit. so far so good on the carpentry. missing items, kitchen top, glass work, plumbing and lights. this week all should be up. it's gonna be interesting this weekend.
  24. 1 point
    the shoe cabinet that hubby designed! :) and the interior with adjustable shelving. drawers for the bench area. sanded and vanished raw plywood frame for the passageway master bedroom wardrobe. the doors are an off-white linen-textured laminate that i loveee. my side of the wardrobe. and hubby's side!
  25. 1 point
    just a few updates this week! brick wall is completed concrete support for kitchen sink is done too. the bottom is tiled, and we opted for the insides to be just screeded smooth (no tiles). looks nicely done! washer base is done too
  26. 1 point
    dropped by in the morning not expecting anyone to be there but surprise! the tiler was working on my brick wall :) brick wall partially done and sink support halfway up
  27. 1 point
    living / dining area - 4 x 10W LED Philips down lights cool white - 1.5m track + 4 x 7W LED track lights warm white (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=12611507766&spm=2014.12193480.0.0) walkway - 1.5m track + 4 x 7W LED track lights warm white foyer - 2 x 10W LED Philips down lights cool white bedroom 2 and bedroom 3 - 2 x 10W LED Philips down lights cool white - ceiling fan with normal cool white energy saving bulb (not sure what's the wattage for this) master bedroom - 3 x 10W LED Philips down lights cool white - ceiling fan with normal cool white energy saving bulb (not sure what's the wattage for this) bathrooms / household shelter / service yard- 1 x 22W Philips round ceiling light cool white kitchen- 1 x 22W LED Philips round ceiling light cool white balcony- 1 x 17W LED Philips round ceiling light cool white
  28. 1 point
    with the pipe there, the floor trap can't open fully (90 deg). if i let go of it, it will snap shut. i also can't push the pipe any further back. if the pipe is moved just a couple of cm to the left i won't have this issue!
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