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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi All, Finally decided to write down my reno journey. Not a fan of writing/blogging but I'll try to note down as detail as possible. Also, pardon my lousy english >.< Here's some photos of the unit. Doggy guarding our maindoor From Entrance Living Room Kitchen Hallway Room 1
  2. 1 point
    Hi, I had emailed you a few days ago, yet to received the pictures from U. Can send pls.thx! I am interested. Regards
  3. 1 point
    Here are some other views of our living area. We've got some Bruce Lee action going on in the hallway. Again the nice artworks of the hubby. He must have gotten A in arts class! Our living under the spotlight The antique looking pocketwatch-like clock we got at a shop in Singapore.
  4. 1 point
    Hello all, I've cleared my inbox, so please PM me as I quite busy to check who I missed out on the thread. Anyway, today my kitchen black powder coated aluminium frame door is up and I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Contractor J called me and shared that he will be boxing up the black sliding ledge above my door for me so that we can't see the screws above the door in the matching matt black - and said he'll do it for free since it will visually enhance the entire place better! Am so happy cause I can imagine other contractor telling me to topup for the box up for sure and he said he'll do it for me - maybe because I always buy kopi for his workers Also, actually we were quite worried the door couldn't slide all the way as there is a switch beside the door and it pops up by 8mm I think but the door installer managed to fix it and slide across the switch smoothly. Contractor J said this aluminium frame door installer was in Channel 8 renovation programs and he is very very meticulous (guy and very soft spoken, if you know what I mean) - he is also the one that is fixing my black powder coated wardrobe sliding door but today he spotted a very small issue with the tint-ting at the corner of the door and said he need to come another time to redo. Actually if he didnt say I wouldn't have noticed. Even hubby said he got an eye for detail and do things very well. He rather come back second trip than just quietly put it up and let us spot later on Its glass not plastic by the way! Like my new kitchen sliding door?
  5. 1 point
    I'd used Blum in almost all hinges and runners in the house, except for some minor carpentry where usage is not high. Asked my carpenter, he has experience with other make but still find Blum the best in terms of quality. But I do agree with you that they are pricey, however per hinge set is about $2 if I rem correct. Hinge set meaning hinge and soft closing. And by hinge, referring to those open to 90 deg and not those 120 deg or more. Then again, you wont need so many hinge set. A HDB full height cabinet needs about 4 hinges and 2 soft closing is enough. So meaning, 6 parts a door. Base on this, you can add up and make an estimation of the quantity needed. I had extreme amount of carpentry, I was told by my carpenter to get 180 hinges but 90 soft closing. Still the sums adds up. The killer is actually the "Aventos" hydraulic arm, one that is commonly fitted at the dish rack that use to conceal the dish rack.This piece alone is SGD$100 plus. Then comes the runner, think mine are using Movento, can hold up to 40kg per drawer, good for kitchen for keeping bottles of oil, sauces, seasoning. If one roast and bake, those cast iron ware are pretty heavy but these runners can hold them up if kept in drawer.
  6. 1 point
    Hello all! Long time no talk. We have finally moved into our new pad! I love my kitchen. So ya, Please see pictures of it AGAIN. :-D Love the time spent listening to our sound system. Simply music to the ears! Well worth investment! The hole at the back does get kinda unsightly. Hope the hubby fixes that soon. Will update on the other areas of my new home and appliances soon!
  7. 1 point
    ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM! So many different types of updates for this post that I can't think of an appropriate title for it!! =x All I know is that I have to update my blog... and FAST!! Oh well, I think I will just make up titles for my sub sections as I go along... Heh heh.. KITCHEN PIPES PAINTED & WALL-MOUNTED KITCHEN RODS INSTALLED - As the title suggests, my kitchen-ceiling-exposed-PVC-pipes + copper gas pipe + service yard PVC pipes have been painted over! - Kitchen-ceiling-exposed-PVC pipes have been painted pale yellow to give that splash of colour to our zany kitchen! We contemplated painting it matt white to try to 'hide' the ceiling-PVC-pipe as much as possible, but figured that no amount of 'camouflage' short of boxing the whole freaking thing up is going to do anything to improve the aesthetics... So instead of hiding it, we made it even more obvious by POPPING IT!! *cue pop sound* HEHE. - Copper gas pipes painted white to blend in with the wall tiles - Service yard PVC pipes painted light green to have some consistency with the kitchen cabinets, and to extend the colour impression outwards towards the service yard... Also, CFO & I bought the wall-mounted kitchen rods from #SongCho! Standard stainless steel rods with many different accessory modules you can buy to add-on and hang.. See the pictures below!! The service yard light green PVC pipes are standing proudly in all their glory... hehe (Oooh you might be able to see my now-painted-white copper gas pipes in the background) And did I mention that my kitchen #Eubiq tracks are up? YEAH! YELLOW POP! From this angle, you can see the location of my wall-mounted kitchen rods that CFO & I bought from #SongCho.. Close-up of our #SongCho wall-mounted kitchen rods COMMON BATHROOM ACCESSORIES MOUNTED! - Haiyo, you don't know the amount of work that CFO & I put into when we were marking out the installation-locations of the bathroom accessories... SHEESH. We actually tried to simulate running through day-to-day activities within the bathroom (HAHA YES WE EVEN SAT ON THE TOILET BOWL WAHAHAHA) in order to determine the proper locations for our bathroom accessories based on our habits, arm-reach etc.. We then labelled (alphabets written on masking tape) each and every loose bathroom accessory & did the same for the wall location; So that the contractor can tally the loose bathroom accessory to the wall locations, using the alphabets... Tedious but ok la, quite fun. HA! Photo taken from inside Common Bathroom (with door closed): - Glass shelf bought from #HoeKee; - Towel Ring + Hook Bar (mounted on door) + Hand Spray + Towel Rack (on the left-hand-side of photo, mostly hidden though) from TaoBao (see older posts for links) Close-up of Towel Rack from TaoBao To Be Continued...
  8. 1 point
    TV Console Reno My TV console made using i-beams and of cos more steel. It's wielded to the shoe cabinet and bolted to the wall. ID uses the barn door concept to hide the HT equipments with wire mesh glass panel. Very nice and won't obstruct the IR signals. Initially our ID came up with a crane design with steel cables to hook onto the shoe cabinet. Something you see in Keppel where all the containers are. But as our shoe cabinet is too big and HDB ceiling height is too low, we have to scrap the idea so we ended up with a pulley design. As we have a 2 yr old boy who is constantly "exploring" new stuff, my floor standing front speakers most likely will be placed on metal plates on the i-beam itself so that he would be able to reach it. The barn door up close and slided over to the shelvings of the HT equipment. The pulley wheel up close. It gives you the impression that the barn door is controlled by the wheel. This is how it looks like from the shoe cabinet angle.
  9. 1 point
    My reno a bit different, Painting done after all lights installed, before flooring. Touch up if needed, painter will do again. I have no carpentry in the living or rooms, cant comment on that. ID just gave me go ahead to paint and I made arrangements. Pls pm me if u want the painter contact, his charges are cheap which I already mentioned in my earlier post. He prefers weekends for HDB jobs.
  10. 1 point
    hi guys, i can recommend you a contractor. previously I've use his service few years back to do my house. workmanship good, reliable and no hidden cost. recently bump into him and saw his design and was very impressive. as for the price is cheap and reasonable too. I've already recommend a few of my friend to him.
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