I'd used Blum in almost all hinges and runners in the house, except for some minor carpentry where usage is not high. Asked my carpenter, he has experience with other make but still find Blum the best in terms of quality. But I do agree with you that they are pricey, however per hinge set is about $2 if I rem correct. Hinge set meaning hinge and soft closing. And by hinge, referring to those open to 90 deg and not those 120 deg or more. Then again, you wont need so many hinge set. A HDB full height cabinet needs about 4 hinges and 2 soft closing is enough. So meaning, 6 parts a door. Base on this, you can add up and make an estimation of the quantity needed. I had extreme amount of carpentry, I was told by my carpenter to get 180 hinges but 90 soft closing. Still the sums adds up. The killer is actually the "Aventos" hydraulic arm, one that is commonly fitted at the dish rack that use to conceal the dish rack.This piece alone is SGD$100 plus. Then comes the runner, think mine are using Movento, can hold up to 40kg per drawer, good for kitchen for keeping bottles of oil, sauces, seasoning. If one roast and bake, those cast iron ware are pretty heavy but these runners can hold them up if kept in drawer.