roundegg,Yolla,mysapporo, have drop you people a PM. Just for some sharing, There is pre-renovation sale ongoing at Home-Fix at Marina Square with discount up to 30%. Padlock brands such as Viro, Duro, Abloy , Yale, Vinnai and etc are on a 10% discount when i visited and there are also demo of the Yale digital lock on promotion ( comes with free installation and at least $100 cheaper). A few products at home-fix MS is slightly cheaper after the promo. I am considering the following gate-mounted padlocks which can be openned using one hand. 1)Duro Padlock Art No 338 at MS HomeFix -> $140 (rounded off) After 10% discount is about $126(cheapest), This model is selling at the hardware shop at Textile center for about $130. -come with 4 keys. -10 years warranty -DIY installation -could not remember if the 1 key system (envelope, Main door and Gate Padlock) price, could remember if it was 200 or 230 before discount. 2)Vanni Padlock Art No 6868 at MS HomeFix -> $70 ( forgot the price, remember around that range) After 10% discount is about 63++ (forgot the price) -DIY installation -comes with 6 keys 3)Castle lock from SingLock at $138 -3 Years warranty -6 keys -Free installation -Additional of $68 for 1 keys system.(Main gate padlock and door) Others 4)Mul-t lock system -Also considering about this model but surprisingly when i went to one of the so-called distributor at the shop, the staff dun seem to understand what i am trying to get, so i left without any clue about it. 5)Abloy locks -Military grade lock used in camps, hardly see any physical shop carrying it but it seems to be around $200- 600 depending on model type.