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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Anyone have contact to reliable aircon serviceman? I used to give ah boon from star cool but I guess he's really too busy... I wait for his reply till my neck became giraffe.. Guess it's time to switch... Thanks for help.
  2. 1 point
    I've been spending the whole day trying to chat with different TB sellers to ask for specs, to make sure that they pack it for overseas shipping etc. Just found out that I should also ask if they can flatpack certain items for less shipping costs. But I haven't found out what flatpack is in chinese yet. And apparently, there is a max number of new sellers that you can chat with in a day!! I guess they want to make sure that I'm not a bot out to crash their system. lol. Just as well, my brain was frying from going back and forth from google translate also. I think the CTRL C/ CTRL V buttons on my keyboard are going to break. That said, i must say that so far, its been a pleasure talking to the guys on TB. Almost all of them are very helpful and prompt in their assistance. Once you get things set up on the website and get the hang of where to click for what, its pretty easy getting what you need. Even the chinese gets less daunting but I will be right up against my computer screen reading out loud like an idiot during chinese oral exams. Ahhh... nostalgia....
  3. 1 point
    Thanks OceanEleven.... and hope your aircon problem also gets resolved soon. I guess for our case, I wouldn't classify it as a issue from GC... because we really don't know who's speaking the truth here (ID or GC) so I'm not going to be so quick to say GC is at fault here. In other news, GC came back yesterday to install the living area aircon unit after our ID got his tilers to make the adjustment of the false ceiling so that the aircon unit can fit into the space. GC also then offered to solve the problem of the drainage pipe problem which we were more than happy for them to do because it's probably best that we leave all the aircon issues to them to resolve. So wala!! Aircon units all tested and all working fine.... Boy, are we glad that the aircon nightmare is over! But, we realised another issue.... we intend to build a feature wall to cover bomb shelter.... but after the aircon unit in living room is installed, we realised that there is now no more extra space between the aircon unit in living room and the wall of bomb shelter. It is fitted snugly into that space above the walkway area. Our ID failed to take that into consideration and did not inform GC or highlight to us about the need to buffer space there to build the feature wall. So... we'll see how our ID get out of this one and resolve this when we meet on Saturday to discuss installation of lights and bathroom accessories. Really not very pleased with the way our ID is handling our reno at this stage... and progress is still so slow! Arggghhhh.
  4. 1 point
    Hi, I'd like to get a quote for a Mitsubishi Electric Starmax System 2. (2x 9k btu) Thanks.
  5. 1 point
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