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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/2014 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Heard many times liao, read many times also le......so? Kitchen * bo bian liao. Change stove location la
  2. 1 point
    cannot wait for GSS to start. hope to see ppl sharing lobangs here too.
  3. 1 point
    Deliveries arrived + citygas installed! Pictures tonight!
  4. 1 point
    Still slowly looking for one while funding
  5. 1 point
    Hi i99box, apology for the late late reply. As of now, i am still not comfortable sharing my contractor's contact until my house is fully done. Just dont want to intro others bad contractors "IF" mine turns out to be one.
  6. 1 point
    11 May is the official move in date for us! *image borrowed from ygblog4 bought this charcoal stove and 柴、米、油、盐、酱、醋、茶 to the new house early in the morning (auspicious time: 7-9am) the charcoal was lit up till flaming bright red and brought into the kitchen by hub ... we then use the flaming fire to cook a pot of water and use it to make tea .... we then spend the whole afternoon buying some stuff, tidying up the house and preparing for dinner at night .... we then end the day with steamboat dinner with my hub's parents ... a simple and cosy shifting in for us
  7. 1 point
    i think the price for the sofa alone is quite ok... some other small items i think can get directly off taobao, like e unique bean bag lol
  8. 1 point
    I think I've gotten an addiction to Taobao liao. This is loot number 2. Will update stuff purchased in later posts. Surprisingly, Peeka delivered on Vesak Day, arrived close to 6pm ~
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    just be prepared that most of the companies will charge a premium on condo pricing. so u cannot be using HDB pricing to compare with condo pricing. reasonable package really depends on what u want for the toilets. hack? overlay? change all accessories? concealed piping? etc etc reasonable payment? I believe u are looking at monthly instalment? but unfortunately, most companies will only do work in progress payment. for instalments, u have to go to the banl. duration, can be 1-1.5 months at most, depending on whether u doing hacking or overlaying.
  11. 1 point
    We feel very comfortable with the sofa and actually it was quite perfect for us, is just that their service cannot make it. However, Takaishi had shared a link with me recently, maybe you would want to take a look and compare the price first.. after all I think they are from the same manufacturer! http://ziin.taobao.com/category-767336278.htm?spm=a1z10.1.0.0.gSSPLA&search=y&parentCatId=767336277&parentCatName=%BC%D2%BE%DFFURNITURE&catName=%C9%B3%B7%A2 Thanks Takaishi for sharing! Cheers!
  12. 1 point
    I won't actually consider the study light as a tracklight since only some of the holders can be rotated. We actually bought it thinking that the holders are fixed. Anyway, all the lights we bought, including the downlights, run on E27 and we got the Philips E27 5W LED bulbs to go with them. Self-Fix is currently selling them at a promotional price of $7.95 each which is reasonable enough for me considering they are going for around $6 on Taobao. Since the store is just at the neighbourhood mall, I didn't bother looking around further just to save a few dollars.
  13. 1 point
    hi, i dont think there are any in-house loans. although some companies might bend the rules a bit for u..
  14. 1 point
    1. The power sockets look old and this got me thinking if I should do a one time re wiring -some renovation quotation exclude electrical cost. Hence you need to ask your contractor to include quote for electrical work so as to see the total cost. -since you are planning for rewiring, do take into consideration open net installation so you won't see ugly cable around. -look around for nice sockets as those provided by contractors may not look nice. -have some electrical points at waist level so don't have to always bend down, not good for the lower back. 2. I also want a plumber to come check all the pipes in the house in order to avoid a leakage in future - no comment as I'm not experienced. But do tell the contractor where exactly you want the water spray gun to be installed (I prefer waist level) - price is higher if you are going for concealed piping. - consider if you prefer to use instant water heater, storage heater or citygas. 3. The owner has not installed any AC so I would need to install 5 units -Most common brands used by Singapore are Mitsubishi and Daikan. You can inquire at Courts or Best Denki. About 9000 BTU for common bedroom, 12000 BTU for master bed room, and 18000 for living room, depending on the size of your rooms. Discuss with the installer the exact trunking position otherwise the installer will just go for the easiest and shortest route which may look ugly with those trunking exposed. Prefer not to hide the trunking otherwise there may be problem if it leaks in future. And warranty to me is very important. 4. Kitchen needs to be broken down and rebuilt - You can start to look for kitchen hob, hood, basin and fridge. As the contractor will need to know the measurement of these items to customize the kitchen cabinets. 5. Need laminate flooring below and polishing of parquet on second floor - For parquet, it's called sand & vanish. Polishing is more for marble flooring. Most contractor has contact for sand & vanish services. For laminate, search interent for some well known brand and arrange meet up with those laminate company just to learn since it's FOC lesson. 6. Toilet below and two toilets above needs to be broken down and rebuilt - You can start looking around for toilet bowls, wash basin and shower heads etc. Ask your contractor to do all accessories installment FOC for you, not to quote by piece installation. 7. Built in wardrobe for 3 rooms - Contractor usually quote by 'foot' regardless of design so you may wish to think of what design and whether to go for slidding door or not. 8. Painting - Ask for at least 3 paintings (first painting, second time before moving in furniture, aircon installation etc, and final touch up) and at least 5 different colours. Ask for the brand of the paint used too.
  15. 1 point
    Current house is like a warzone with all the stuff like Tiles, cement and etc Some of the plastering has already started Tiles for common bathroom is also up
  16. 1 point
    Hi, mind sharing your quote and ID contact pls. Thanks in advance
  17. 1 point
    Congrats on the finished Reno. Whole place look very bright and spacious
  18. 1 point
    Congrats on moving in... A cosy place.. I also got my key around same time as you and hit the CNY period... Can understand the long long wait...
  19. 1 point
    Any friends here have cheap curtains manufacturer to recommend? Looking for a reasonable pricing type. Thanks!
  20. 1 point
    I have confirmed a deal for 1 living & 3 bedroom translucent day curtain and nice dimout night curtain with Freddie chua after gone through a few curtain vendors in terms of quality, product knowledge, advices, added service plus value and warranty assurance, ya ! and one more thing for sure... reasonable price... i wil update u once my curtain is up...
  21. 1 point
    Tiles finally complete. But the tilers are touching up the skirting so is still quite messy. Except for the bed room toilet allowed me to snap a shot.
  22. 1 point
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