Strictly speaking, the gate installation is incorrect. As a security barrier, it fails. A security barrier should be flush with the side walls (not protruding out) and secured on all 4 sides. In this case, the bottom side is not secured, allowing a person with brute force to start prising open the gate from this side. However, it is common for gates these days to serve more as a deterrent device only and even for decorative purpose. It is common for the bottom latch not to be used. Often this is because the bottom is laid with marble or tiles, and the contractor does not want (or does not know how) to dig a hole to house the drop down bolt. In addition, the gate is not flush with the side walls, so there is no way to bolt the bottom side of the gate. I think if the gate looks ok, you can live with it. I think the only way to rectify it is to move it inwards, and this might be problematic.