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unfortunately i sold my place, so cant take pics anymore. i totally agree with ur saying of L-box terminating before touching the wall..so it creates a "concave" for the curtain (this was what I did, the curtain guy "laughed" at me when i asked if I needed to put pelmet..he said that the L box can cover liao, pelmet for what (and that was what my contractor said too)

but i also agree with you to ask the experts! ours just "opinions"

Thanks, Ossify and Porcupine.

I asked my DH and he stared at me like I'm a total noob, hee hee.

Actually it's how you 'define' L Box, cuz with L Box it terminates at the wall. but a U BOX terminate just before the wall, so u have a 'drain' for the curtains and blinds to hang. So, correct no need to have a pelmet if we have an L Box which is a U Box :P To be fair to my ID, she did say she can do a U box if we dun want the pelmet (must defend her a bit mah, cuz I select her :) ) but she will need to overhaul the ceiling plan cuz if u see my pic above, there's some parts where the curtain area is not covered by anything.

Patsy - pelmet is that thing which covers your curtain rails so you can't see it. it can be simple or can be very fancy.

here's a link to a fancy pelmet Fancy Pelmet

hey, what u all think of that wall with the store door? shd I do something w it?


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Thanks, Ossify and Porcupine.

I asked my DH and he stared at me like I'm a total noob, hee hee.

Actually it's how you 'define' L Box, cuz with L Box it terminates at the wall. but a U BOX terminate just before the wall, so u have a 'drain' for the curtains and blinds to hang. So, correct no need to have a pelmet if we have an L Box which is a U Box :P To be fair to my ID, she did say she can do a U box if we dun want the pelmet (must defend her a bit mah, cuz I select her :) ) but she will need to overhaul the ceiling plan cuz if u see my pic above, there's some parts where the curtain area is not covered by anything.

Patsy - pelmet is that thing which covers your curtain rails so you can't see it. it can be simple or can be very fancy.

here's a link to a fancy pelmet Fancy Pelmet

hey, what u all think of that wall with the store door? shd I do something w it?

many people will choose to camo the door. but i see the door not ugly leh (but u are right, KPO pp will open it hahaha). for me, if i wan save cost, i will not do anything to it, coz its not ugly like bomb shelter door :)


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I actually think you can leave the door as it is for now.... not that bad looking but maybe put something striking in the wall next to it so it deflects attention from the door and ppl will see the art work instead?


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my hb and I like SPACE and AIR furniture too... but like what you said, eyes pop out on the price tag. But last couple weeks they were having sale, so a 2 seater sofa is about 2k+, not too bad (not leather though).

My children are younger then yours and my son abuses furniture, so i suggest to my hb to get cheap ikea furniture :P...he was grumbling all the time bout the suggestion.

feeling excited about the start of your reno, cant wait to see the transformation :)

haha.. my hubby n i are fans of a lot of things.... which we cant afford.. :P another place we are a big fan of is boconcept..

u cud try furnitures over at OM in liang court. can bargain with them. i got my fabric L-shape sofa from them for 1K, retail price was 2k plus but cos the color we wanted, they dun do anymore so they sold us the display set.. got dining table n bed frame from them too. after sales svc quite good too cos discovered some scratches on the table, they sent new one (twice!).. :D


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Thanks, Ossify and Porcupine.

I asked my DH and he stared at me like I'm a total noob, hee hee.

Actually it's how you 'define' L Box, cuz with L Box it terminates at the wall. but a U BOX terminate just before the wall, so u have a 'drain' for the curtains and blinds to hang. So, correct no need to have a pelmet if we have an L Box which is a U Box :P To be fair to my ID, she did say she can do a U box if we dun want the pelmet (must defend her a bit mah, cuz I select her :) ) but she will need to overhaul the ceiling plan cuz if u see my pic above, there's some parts where the curtain area is not covered by anything.

Patsy - pelmet is that thing which covers your curtain rails so you can't see it. it can be simple or can be very fancy.

here's a link to a fancy pelmet Fancy Pelmet

hey, what u all think of that wall with the store door? shd I do something w it?

Its very subjective on using pelmet or not. Its mostly depend on the area where u putting the curtain having a beam or not. L-box, false ceiling, is normally doing at a 6 or 8 down from the ceiling. If the beam at the windows area is more than 12 inch down and owner want to cover the ugly tracks for the curtain, then a pelmet is needed. Pics below will show why a pelmet is needed.

This show a L-box with a pelmet. The L-box end at the beam. But owner want to hide the curtain tracks and can't do a U-box cos this mean the track will have to move further away from the windows. So a pelmet is made below the beam which is also know as the U-box.



Hope this will clear some doubts on whether a pelmet is needed or not. :D


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Thanks for the tip and photos Jaskel!

In the end, we're still going to have a pelmet for the living and balcony cuz of the ceiling plan, but for the bedroom, I've taken it out. So save about $600+.

Sorry have not updated my blog for a while. Was down with stomach flu for the past week. Also not much updates, except last weekend when we saw the ID again to confirm materials and colours. Next week, she's going to email me the 3D drawings and the work schedule. Can't wait! :sport-smiley-018:

Went to the IT show last Sunday! Man, I think the whole of Singapore was there. Madness :o Managed to elbow myself to the Eubiq booth, was quite excited to see the actual thing, but was really dejected with the price. They were selling the starter package at $1799, you get a 3m SH1 track, the home office track, the vertical track, 10 British adaptors, and about 5 int'l adaptors. DH was not too keen, called it 'not practical' (!). After nearly 2 hours of body mashing, we got away with a Canon wireless printer for $279.

Also met up with the electrician to discuss wiring plan on paper. So far so good. Yesterday, discussed with DH in detail on the numbers and type of lighting we want for the whole house. When we totalled up the cost, it came up to about $2k (including 5 ceiling fans)! Both of us were quite depressed after that..... :( So expensive, so expensive! Maybe we'll have all-day and all-year round Earth hour at our new place :P

Am planning to take a short break in M'sia this weekend. This is more to reward my kids who have been very patient with their parents, who have been spending almost every weekend since Dec last year, traipsing around Singapore looking at condos, condos and more condos and then recently ID and furniture shops! My poor darlings :)


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Thanks for the tip and photos Jaskel!

In the end, we're still going to have a pelmet for the living and balcony cuz of the ceiling plan, but for the bedroom, I've taken it out. So save about $600+.

Sorry have not updated my blog for a while. Was down with stomach flu for the past week. Also not much updates, except last weekend when we saw the ID again to confirm materials and colours. Next week, she's going to email me the 3D drawings and the work schedule. Can't wait! :sport-smiley-018:

Went to the IT show last Sunday! Man, I think the whole of Singapore was there. Madness :o Managed to elbow myself to the Eubiq booth, was quite excited to see the actual thing, but was really dejected with the price. They were selling the starter package at $1799, you get a 3m SH1 track, the home office track, the vertical track, 10 British adaptors, and about 5 int'l adaptors. DH was not too keen, called it 'not practical' (!). After nearly 2 hours of body mashing, we got away with a Canon wireless printer for $279.

Also met up with the electrician to discuss wiring plan on paper. So far so good. Yesterday, discussed with DH in detail on the numbers and type of lighting we want for the whole house. When we totalled up the cost, it came up to about $2k (including 5 ceiling fans)! Both of us were quite depressed after that..... :( So expensive, so expensive! Maybe we'll have all-day and all-year round Earth hour at our new place :P

Am planning to take a short break in M'sia this weekend. This is more to reward my kids who have been very patient with their parents, who have been spending almost every weekend since Dec last year, traipsing around Singapore looking at condos, condos and more condos and then recently ID and furniture shops! My poor darlings :)

we also braved the IT show to see the eubiq booth, was too expensive!! My fiancee said an extension cord which can be kept will only cost $50! Ended up in Harvey Normal in Millenia walk and I finally got my TV, soundbar, fridge and oven!! Think in total it was cheaper than the IT show prices!! Look for Joshua if you need any help and tell him Sarah sent you!

Am thinking of doing something for my fiancee this weekend also, his birthday, plus, he's also been going furniture shopping with me!


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we also braved the IT show to see the eubiq booth, was too expensive!! My fiancee said an extension cord which can be kept will only cost $50!

LOL! That was my DH said too! But good news is that my electrician said he can get the Eubiq system at contractor prices, so he's going to let me know how much it will cost to do it up for my kitchen. Keeping my fingers crossed that the price will be reasonable.


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To do list:

- visit lighting.com, Lighting Enterprise n Silic Lighting Centre et al to buy lighting n fans

- visit Choo Chiang to look at switches

- cfm curtain n blind material

- look for movers

- look for wood varnishers to varnish dining table, chairs n sideboard

- do major housekeeping n inventory check

- look for wood shop to buy plywood for bunkie board

- visit ikea to look for matching kitchen cabinet for abv washer, shoe cab, tv console for MBR, bathroom furn n other stuff

- visit hoe kee or sim siang choon to look at pull-out ss drawers for pantry

- visit OM n Comfort Furniture to chk out outdoor furn

- look for sofabed for maid room

- design wall decal for MBR at winkplay.com

- visit Howards Storage World for look-see

- buy underwear organizer at gmarket (hee hee)

- PACK!!!!

- remember to breathe while thinking n doing all this


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More to do list :wacko: :wacko::

- look for new school for 3rd daughter (v impt, how can forget!!!!)

- look for plants to 'landscape' new place

- activate power n water supply for new place

- Transfer phone n scv services

- cancel newspaper subscription (condo can hv newspaper delivery or not :unsure:)

- and oh yeah, move

sure hv forgotten some things. Nvm, will update this list as I remember them.


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Take it easy dear....

movers- used Elite a few times, very happy with them. Call John at 9128 9555 for a quote.

Howards storage world - wanna go too, I work near Harbourfront so may pop by one lunchtime! wanna go together?

For staintless steel pull out baskets, you can try Song Cho, I have some which I bought 10 years ago but are still rust free and looks brand new!! Bit more ex but really worth it!

No problems to subscribe to newspapers in condos


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Hi Umaisarah,

wow! That's a long list! But I like this one the best "remember to breathe while thinking n doing all this"... kekeke...

I also have a to do list, but very short cos if I don't complete this, very hard to do anything else. That is...

1) Confirm renovator.



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Hi Umaisarah,

wow! That's a long list! But I like this one the best "remember to breathe while thinking n doing all this"... kekeke...

I also have a to do list, but very short cos if I don't complete this, very hard to do anything else. That is...

1) Confirm renovator.


Aiyo, u dun hv much time left leh....only 11 weekends left to go before June! :P

Patsy - i work in TP lah, so cannot join u but lemme know if got good bargains. I'm eyeing the resin cabinets, bamboo bathroom caddy and make-up organisers :) Song Cho - I think I bought my bathroom accessories from them. They hv a shop at IMM right? and their logo is a chicken??


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Patsy - i work in TP lah, so cannot join u but lemme know if got good bargains. I'm eyeing the resin cabinets, bamboo bathroom caddy and make-up organisers :) Song Cho - I think I bought my bathroom accessories from them. They hv a shop at IMM right? and their logo is a chicken??

will do!

am also eyeing the resin cabinets, bamboo bathroom caddy!!!!

yep, the chicken logo, thought it was very useful leh!


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will do!

am also eyeing the resin cabinets, bamboo bathroom caddy!!!!

yep, the chicken logo, thought it was very useful leh!

LOL, we have very good taste :D


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