RSVP to this EventRenoTalk LIVE! - April 2017
Date: 15th April 2017 (Sat)
Time: 12pm – 4pm
Venue: Intercontinental Hotel
Address: 80 Middle Road, 188966
Meet. Industry Experts
Engage with the interior designers we have at the event
Listen to many sharings
Following the success of our very first RenoTalk Live event, we’ve decided to host it yet again this coming April. A chance for homeowners to gather and learn more about interior renovation, these are the top five reasons why you should drop by and join in the fun!
1. Have All Your Renovation Questions Answered
The event will feature booths occupied by interior designers and brands selling household related products. Feel free to approach any of the industry experts mending these booths – they’ll be more than willing to chat with you or answer any questions you have relating to renovation.
2. Complimentary Consultations Will Be Given
Bring along your floor plan and you’ll receive a complimentary consultation from the slew of interior designers present. They’ll listen to renovation ideas you currently have in mind and provide their professional opinions along the way.
3. You’ll Learn A Lot
Some of our industry experts will be giving talks, providing homeowners with a little extra insight. These informative sessions will largely benefit homeowners and introduce them to countless renovation options they didn’t even know existed.
4. It’s All About The Interaction
The event will provide you with an opportunity to meet other homeowners, and you can spend the afternoon sharing ideas with one another.
5. There Are Prizes To Be Won
A lucky draw will be held to thank attendees for their participation. Homeowners will have a shot at winning prizes like household items and a hotel stay. If you’re lucky, you might just walk away with our grand prize: a pair of tickets overseas.
More details are listed below, and you can RSVP by simply clicking our banner!
Participating Service Providers