Will Artificial Intelligence Be Your Next Interior Designer?
Home Appliances & Tech5 minutes read
The question is,
‘Will Artificial Intelligence be your next Interior Designer’?
We are in possession of a practical and theoretical faculty.
And both are equivocally called intelligence.
RenoTalk Editor
Image via: Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to transform every aspect of human life possibly more than the Internet had thoroughly changed the way we conduct our business. Think about it. From streamlining services and smarter products to optimisation and automation, AI can evolve almost everything and anything.
From the rigidity of programming a machine to cut a piece of log into a table, to the more complicated functions of weaving the latest vogue in the fashion and apparel industry, AI has grown to be a seamless existence in our lives. Businesses that procrastinate on the transformative power of AI risk being left in a vacuum of old practices shun by all.
What about AI as an idiosyncratic Interior Designer (ID)? Can there be one and will AI be your next ID? Let’s find out!
Image via: Elegant Marketplace
ID 2.0
Artificial Intelligence is certainly making massive waves in bringing excellent results when utilised for decorating homes, but they are not usually the first thing that comes into homeowners mind.
Take, for example; the AI infused interior design tool, Planner 5D. This, ‘Home Design Made Easy’ mobile application allows users to achieve stunning home design results in three easy steps. Yes, that is right! Just three easy steps!
‘Planner 5d’ co-founder's reasons that only professional designers can fully comprehend design rules and technique. The inculcation of AI in the world of interior designing can empower everyone to become an interior designer and all thanks to this application; ‘Planner 5d’.
Broken down into three main components, ‘Layout and Design’, ‘Furnish and Edit’ and ‘Visualize and Share’, the mobile application attempts to replicate the role of an interior designer into the hands of the users.
Image via: Planner 5d
In the ‘Layout and Design’ component, the mobile application interface uses a two-dimensional model to create floor plans and design layouts. This can then be inserted with furniture and other home items of the users choice. Users can also switch this interface into a three-dimensional model to explore, edit and design from any perspectives and angles.
Image via: Planner 5d
Then go on to edit colours with a palette and hue of your liking. In the ‘Furnish and Edit’ component, users are given the freedom to create unique floors, ‘Instagram-friendly’ walls and gorgeous furniture. You never know that your creation could be the next big thing! Follow that up by adjusting all these items in a size that suits you.
Image via: Planner 5d
The Snapshots feature in the third component; ‘Visualize and Share’, allows users to capture their finished design as a realistic image. It has not quite ended yet. Apply shadow effect, light up your design to perfection and splash it up with an exciting range of colours. Make it stand out and admire at your masterpiece.
Through these examples, it is thus justified to assume that, the introduction of Artificial Intelligence has bridged gaps between a novice homeowner to the intricacies of interior designing. AI seems to be the conduit that connects a customer’s ideas into a seamless practical experience. At once, excluding the role of a typical interior designer. Or does it?
In Between
Statistics expected that the global AI market to be worth almost $60 billion by 2025 and these figures have seen a steady increase over the past few years. Statistics are not to be regarded lightly nor can they be discounted outrightly. It must remain as a median in between two extremities.
We can, however, expect more automated solutions to interior design infiltrating the industry. Simply put, many will adopt tools that can assist them. Tools that allow them to fully visualise the design aspects of their homes and tools which are comparably cheaper.
For an interior designer, nothing beats meeting a potential client, and none can substitute the advocate's role he or she is playing. Fully understanding a client’s whims, his emotional and aesthetical appeal is something no Artificial Intelligence can achieve.
Although AI presents an unprecedented level of convenience and resource, it cannot replicate the above situation. Only an industry professional such as an Interior Designer can achieve that. AI will continue to revolutionise interior design; there will be more powerful AI programs and applications that can mimic the personal uniqueness of an Interior Designer and AI will also push interior design into unchartered territory.
It is due to this very reason that we might see this disparity as a fitting pair, one that complements and leverages each other strengths. A viable solution for both will revolve around Interior Designers embracing the capabilities of AI to serve the design needs of their client’s.
Whether its self-design via Artificial Intelligence or an informed design from an Interior Designer, more platforms can be created to have these two working together. Ultimately, the desired outcome must be one that does not pose an interior design problem for us, the clients.
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