Which water heater best fits my household?
Home Appliances & Tech4 minutes read
“Should I go for an instant water heater, or a storage water heater?”
“What's the difference between instant and storage water heaters?”
“How do I choose which one to go for?”
If these questions are running in your head, you will want to read on.
Instant water heaters VS Storage water heaters:
Instant water heaters do not store water. They heat water based on the user’s demand. When you turn on your shower, the water is being heated instantaneously.
Storage water heaters consist of an insulated storage tank that holds up heated water. The heated water is channeled into the shower based on demand. Using a storage water heater, you may adjust your shower temperature with a tap mixer.
Is rainshower a preference for you or your household?
If you’d like to have a rain shower in your bathroom, go for a storage water heater. Storage water heaters, which are closed systems, are able to produce enough water pressure to provide the rainshower effect. Instant heaters are pressure-reducing systems. Flow restrictors are built into every tankless system so that water can be heated instantly when it flows through the heater. Hence, an electric instant water heater will not be able to support rain shower.
Is your water heater to be shared amongst a few bathrooms, or do you prefer to have a separate water heater for each bathroom?
If you prefer to share the water heater among a few bathrooms, go for storage water heaters. Storage water heaters allow sharing between a few bathrooms, while instant water heaters, with its limitations in water pressure, is only able to support one shower point.
Will you like to have beautiful water heater designs to match your bathroom renovation?
Standard water heaters look about the same, especially for storage water heaters, they usually come in cylinder tanks which will look out of place in a nicely renovated bathroom. If design is important to you, then Ariston water heaters provide the best choices for your home. Ariston water heaters are beautifully designed in Italy, and are made to match any bathroom designs. In Singapore where bathroom space is limited, you may want to consider an elegant looking water heater that looks slim and sleek so that no space is wasted to conceal it.
If I prefer a storage water heater, what size should I go for?
It highly depends on the household’s needs and usage patterns. If all members of the household shower simultaneously or one after another without break time in between, go for a larger storage tank. If members of the household shower at differing timings with at least 20minutes break in between, you can go for smaller storage tanks.
If you have a bathtub at home, you’ll want to consider a bigger storage tank to fill the tub up with warm water. A good estimate will be to buy a water heater size that is around 20% the size of your bathtub (assuming you’ll be filling the tub to 70% full for a warm bath).
Some suggestions for proven water heaters in the market:
Instant Water Heater
Go for one with Constant Temperature technology – the latest technology in the market for water and energy saving.
Find out more about Ariston AURES Series instant water heater here at Ariston.com.
Storage Water Heater
If you want a beautifully designed storage water heater that saves space, check out Ariston Andris Slim 30 electric storage water heater.
Find out more here at Ariston.com.
Regardless of the type of water heater you select, you may want to consider the following tips:
1) Always get a certified professional to install your water heater. Never try to do it yourself, as it can get dangerous!
2) Go for a reliable brand of water heater, with a long-standing history.
3) Go for an energy and water saving water heater, if you’re looking to save utility bills in the long run.
4) Water heaters are essential for the household, but they need not necessarily look ugly. There are beautifully designed water heaters that can suit your bathroom renovations!
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