This Just In: You Can Now Control Your Home Without Being In It
Home Appliances & Tech4 minutes read
The world is shifting in gear and we're clearly headed towards a more digitalized era. As far as home systems go, they're definitely advancing at an alarming rate, which actually brings in more advantages than disadvantages for homeowners.
A really interesting trend we've come to notice is the increasing use of home automation systems; it is fast becoming the rage everywhere, primarily because it brings so much more convenience to life.
Imagine being able to control the electronics and appliances at home while you’re away. Guess what? You can!
A brief introduction of home automation. It encompasses numerous applications – home security, lighting, kitchen automation and climate control to name a few. It allows you to wirelessly connect with home appliances even when you're out, controlling from your smart phone.
Imagine being able to turn on the air conditioning before you're even home, or switching off home devices while you're out at work. There are endless electronic tasks you could complete with the system, while only needing a Wi-Fi connection and smart phone.
WiFi – A lifesaver
We understand newer technology can sometimes seem intimidating and confusing, so we've broken down the features and advantages of home automation and the roles of Wi-Fi in this whole equation, for a clearer idea.
You could control gadgets at home with a remote from your smart phone while you are away.
Users can make use of this to control many kinds of applications - lighting, hot water kettles, even the TV, to name a few.
You can save energy by turning appliances off when they're not in use. The gadget can be turned on instantaneously once it receives Wi-Fi notification.
Users could also take control of IR remote controlled devices from their mobiles with a WiFi to IR bridge device that allows it to learn any IR codes.
Credits: Clik Smart Technology
You could set one off or recurring scheduled event for your devices. Users could also turn off schedules as and when, an example being when you're on a vacation.
You could also receive notifications about the energy consumption through your smart phone.
The installation and configuration process is simple. There isn't a need to depend on experts to complete the process.
Since these technologies are wireless, there is no hassle with running wires and drilling holes into walls. Most importantly, no rewiring is required and the systems can often be retrofitted in your existing house without fuss.
Furthermore, systems can be more easily upgraded and expanded as and when the needs grow without any electrical work.
No more!
Flexibility: If you relocate to a new place, you can do so with ease, as wireless systems offer better portability.
Newer wireless system has an intuitive UI and is easy to program. They are far more easy for the owner to make adjustment when trying things out of when changes required.
The downside though, is that wireless systems have security issues, as hackers could penetrate into your network if it is not properly secured. However, technology growth in network protection definitely helps to constantly check and mitigate these security issues.
Although home automation may seem like the least essential idea, especially since such technology was often sold at high prices, there can be a middle ground though, of having a good Wi-Fi home automation system while achieving it at an affordable price. For starters, maybe you could check out Clik Smart Technology, which offers simple user-friendly home automation systems, while attaching affordable price tags to their packages for homeowners.
Credits: Clik Smart Technology
We believe home automation systems are going to be a part of numerous homes in the near future, and it's exciting to be able to enjoy such convenience from the click on your smart phone.
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