Themed-Rooms 101 : The Basis and The Basic
Interior Design & Decor5 minutes read
“My House, My Rules. My Room, My Theme.”
RenoTalk Editor
Image via: Srisasoft
Come on, admit it! There is something natively desirable when viewing the finished look of a themed-room. Or even a themed-house for that matter. They are amiably pleasant for the eyes. This is why immaculate collections of themed rooms pictures can be found in many renovation-themed (no pun intended) magazines. What about the case of themes which are not favoured by the masses or themes which are considered weird? Let’s find out!
But first, this article will NOT show you images of themed-rooms or the likes; it will instead furnish you the reasons on why themed-rooms exist, why there is a need for themed-room and the basics of a themed-room. Before we begin, here is a picture of my dream room. Book-themed!
Image via: Lifestyle Asia
Why Themed-Rooms
Rooms that are equipped with kids-friendly amenities and furniture, like a bunk bed, for example, serves as a makeshift castle and dungeon. Particularly, if you are staying in countries where castles, forts and bastions are unheard.
With an additional pull-out bed and a little step-stool, kids can draw bridges and tread crocodile-infested water in the comfort of their small imaginative world. Watch out!
Image via: Culture Trip
Okay, so your kid is not interested in playing knights in shining armour. Then perhaps, a digitally-themed room of his favourite gaming character might do the trick. A gamer cult favourite, The Mario Bros, is a choice that many has chosen. Decorate a room with toadstools, drainpipes, and projectile flowers, and Mario Hats to complete that whole Mario Vibe.
Oh, please do not forget to add in three Nintendo 3DS consoles, two Wii U and the latest Xbox console in the room too. The gamer kid of yours and probably the whole family, will be entertained and as a matter of fact, it could encourage family bonding.
Image via: Tech Raptor
There is a need for themed-rooms because it makes it an exciting enclave for children, parents who are still considering whether a themed-room will work in their house could consider staying in a themed-hotel during the holiday vacation. Observe if the kids enjoy the stay and take necessary action after that.
After all, a suitable themed-room decked with fun décor, and heaps of surprises, makes parenting easier. Just practice discretion with regards to playing time.
Themed-Rooms Must
Image via: 1843
First, let’s decide on something you find engaging and exciting. It should be something that you will be happy to live and work within. Something you will not get bored. Picture this – ocean-theme. A theme that is soothing and peaceful. The soft glow of twinkling lights around you. Smooth billows of white satin caress you. The relaxing sound of the ocean greets you.
Image via: Ocean Delight Cottages
The next theme-room must is to associate your interest with your theme. Like myself, I love my local club Hougang United Football Club (HUFC), so I would not mind having the paraphernalia of HUFC decorating my room. Nothing dramatic though just plenty of Insta-worthy details within the walls! Be creative and list as many ideas on how you can connect with the theme in ways you never thought before.
Next, if your budget permits, then you could narrate your ideas to a credible professional who will handle all the decorating aspect of the theme. There are certain parts of the themes where the artist in you or your friend can accomplish. The serpentine line of creative possibilities stretched as far as the mind can think, but if it concerns matters of intricacy and practicality, then it is best to seek help.
Image via: Buffalo 7
Last but never the very least; are colours. Some regard this as the primary step in a theme-room must. It seems natural to deal with until you discover there are over a hundred more colours and hues to choose. Often, themes are based on colours – your favourite colour. And if you cannot decide on one, then you can always pick two. Maybe three.
May this ‘theme-room must’ be an inspiration before you face a crumbling lack of boredom in your room. A change in familiar surroundings could do a world of good: You found your themed-room.
Themed-Rooms Conclusion
You are legitimately right, but you do not have to sulk in your current room. It is not as though you are stuck in the state of your room forever. Approach it differently. Think about the unique flavours around you, mix it up with the yin and the yang, that sweet and spicy, and I am referring to your room.
Think of having a themed-room as akin to a new year resolution where instead of the cliché, ‘I want to lose weight’, choose, ‘I want to have a themed-room’. It will all become an essential ingredient in the development of your room; only this time, it is with a theme.
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