5 Products That Will Help You Save Energy at Home
Home Appliances & Tech5 minutes read
Going green. Going green is like a trend nowadays, the in thing. Which is great! Here and there, you’ll see eco-friendly products, energy-saving electronics being advertised. Even the renovation world is welcoming the green movement.
Now, with many demands for energy-saving products from consumers, manufacturers are offering more “green” gadgets than ever before. But be cautious, not all are worth your moolah, and some are an outright waste.
Here are the top energy-saving gadgets that are actually worth the price to help you live green and save money while you’re at it!
LED There Be Light - LED Lighting
Your future will always be bright as day if you switch to LED lights! Also, LED bulbs offer the brightest light for the least money. What’s there to complain?
Image via Pixabay
Halogen and compact fluorescent haven’t been quite as well received among consumers for a bunch of reasons. Some dread the mercury in fluorescent bulbs while others aren’t satisfied with the quality of light from halogen.
LED is a great alternative! It should come as no surprise that a sizeable percentage of an average household electricity usage actually goes to lighting, which is why you should make the switch to LED lights. Not only are they energy saving, but they are also studier and last for a real long time.
Smart Plugs
Image via Medium
Many homeowners think that their appliances stop drawing electricity when switched off. Girl, I thought so too. But we couldn’t be more wrong. Even when switched off, it still draws electricity! I know right, how sneaky!
Your appliances need to be totally disconnected from the power source then it won’t draw any electricity. Here’s the thing though, don’t you think it’s annoying that we have to unplug our electrical appliance everytime we’re done with it?
That’s where Smart Plugs step in!! These amazing innovation may seem like they don’t do much, but they help you to save electricity even if you don’t unplug your appliances.
It completely cuts appliances off from the power supply, when they are plugged in and not in use. It might seem like an insignificant function, but it saves you a lot of wasted electricity and money in the long run.
Refrigerator - An Energy Saving One
Image via Samsung
Would you call a home, a home, without a fridge? The fridge serves a vital function of storing our scrumptious edibles, but the fact that it requires constant energy to run should wake you to the idea that it is much wiser to get one with energy-saving features.
Bear in mind, when you buy a fridge, make sure to check the Energy Label attached on it as it will rate how energy efficient it is.
On top of that, as a rule of thumb, smaller fridges consume less electricity than big fridges. Be careful not to overload the fridge too, as it affects the circulation of cold air. Help yourself and buy only what you need and replenish when necessary.
Energy-Efficient Washing Machine
Image via LG
Did you know that, the washing machine is one of the top 10 home appliances that consume a lot of energy? Yeap, about 13% of it based on the infographic by Visual Capitalist.
“Energy efficiency”. A huge buzzword in the appliances market nowadays, so it’s no surprise that an energy-saving washing machine exists! Do your laundry and the environment a favour by picking one with energy-efficient and water-saving features.
Always wash an optimal load, and choose the setting that only utilises one cycle, so that you save both water and energy. Freshly laundered clothes and doing your part for the environment? Sign us up!
Solar Keyboard - The Sun is Your New BFF
Image via Connection
All you keyboard smashers out there, you will be very happy to know that such a thing as a solar powered keyboard exists. It doesn’t require electricity or batteries to operate, and it charges when it’s around any sources of light.
Other than that, you wouldn’t be dealing with finicky wires or cables with this solar keyboard as it doesn’t need to be plugged to any power supply. Also, it stores enough energy good for a few months. With the amount of sun we’re getting in sunny Singapore, it won’t be a fuss at all to charge it up!
All these gadgets vary in price, but all are able to save you enough money on the power bill to get even with the purchase price. When buying an energy efficient appliance, you should look for appliances that has the ENERGY STAR label, which is a federal guarantee that the appliance will consume less energy during use and when on standby than standard non-energy efficient models.
Any new gadgets you’d like to add to this list that have help you save money and energy? Share your two cents in the comment section below.
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