Highlights of the Singapore Interior Design Convention 2021
Interior Design & Decor5 minutes read
The Singapore Interior Design Convention (SIDC) 2021 was held in conjunction with the Singapore Interior Design Awards (SIDA) 2021 on 17 December 2021 at Shangri-La Hotel Singapore and via a Zoom livestream.
With the theme ‘Future World: Designpreneurship + Sustainability’, the Convention focused on green building technology, sustainable design, and designing for a future that blends both the physical and virtual arenas.
Mr Tung Ching Yew, Chairman for SIDC + SIDA and Vice-President of the Society of Interior Designers Singapore (SIDS), gave the opening address; he shared about what 2021 did for the design and construction industry, what 2022 could mean for designers, and particularly about the Singapore Interior Design Accreditation Scheme (SIDAS) launched in November 2021 to train and certify local interior designers.
After Mr Tung’s address, the Convention kicked off. Here are the highlights:
Keynote Speech 1
Ar. Tang Kok Hye, President, Singapore Green Building Council
“Singapore’s Green Building Masterplan”
With climate change impending, it has become vital to live green to reduce carbon emissions and human impact on the environment. As Ar. Tang explains, Singapore’s Green Building Masterplan will implement green building technologies in Singapore’s infrastructure. This Masterplan will contribute to global sustainable development and climate action efforts, including the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement.
Ar. Tang shared more about the Masterplan and how it will affect our lifestyles; having started out in 2005, it aims to deliver three key outcomes (Ar. Tang dubs it ‘80-80-80’) by 2030.
80% of buildings to be green by 2030
80% of new developments to be SLE (Super Low Energy) from 2030
80% EE (Energy Efficiency) Improvement (from 2005 levels) by 2030
With the SLE Challenge having kicked off in 2018 and implemented in 14 buildings, the Masterplan is well on its way to achieving its goals.
Ar. Tang also talked about the Singapore Green Building Council and its plans to implement green building technologies and raise awareness. Some of the Council’s initiatives include:
- The Green ID Recognition Schemes to accredit renovators who use green building techniques
- The DBS Green Renovation Loan to lower interest rates for homeowners who implement green living in their renovation
Alliance For Action: Sustainable Spaces, which aims to enhance sustainable spaces with a focus on VOC-free materials and improving indoor air quality
SGBC Green Campaign, to raise public awareness about green building and its benefits
My Tree House, the first green library for children, located at the National Library
For green building to make an impact and improve our eco-footprint, Ar. Tang points out that ‘good collaboration with like-minded partners’ is necessary.
Keynote Speech 2
Ms. Kelley Cheng, Creative Director, The Press Room + PDA Designer of the Year 2020
“Parallel Worlds: Virtual X Physical + In-Between”
Ms Cheng shared her observations of how the blend of physical and virtual has impacted design, particularly with the launch of the Metaverse. She asked attendees this question: What will be the role of designers in the Metaverse, considering they now do not just have to design for physical spaces, but for cyberspace too?
She also points that with the development of designers’ roles, cyber homes may be on the horizon. The role of a cyber developer may be to build smaller or NFT homes. What will that mean for interior designers and homeowners alike?
Ms Cheng also shared the projects she had done over the past year, which utilised both physical and virtual elements.
Studio SML, a website and podcast detailing the lives and achievements of designers. Ms Cheng explained that the website is a storytelling platform, and everyone loves a good story. So, creative storytelling is a skill required for all designers.
Abstract Creatures Exhibition, the physical outlet of Studio SML. This comprises abstract wooden animal sculptures with QR codes to scan and connect to Studio SML. The sculptures were also printed with content from the website. Ms Cheng that this acts as a transition between the physical and virtual spaces, with outreach via the virtual arena (social media).
Proportion & Emotion, Ms Cheng’s exhibition celebrating her 20 years of design work. While it became a virtual exhibition due to COVID, Ms Cheng used as few materials as possible to make her physical exhibition eco-friendly and sustainable, ensuring they were compact, light to handle, hassle-free, and easy to keep. She advises creating a website for physical exhibitions for virtual navigation.
Soul of Ink: Lim Tze Peng at 100, another of Ms Cheng’s virtual exhibitions done during the COVID period, celebrating the work of renowned Chinese artist Lim Tze Peng. Ms Cheng made sure the virtual platform was easy to navigate and had good storytelling.
Defocoin, Ms Cheng’s partnership with food-focused cryptocurrency.

Moving forward, Ms Cheng advises designers to focus on history and culture when designing for the Metaverse; she emphasises their importance as without these two, our roots and progress will fade.
What will it be like to create a culture town in the metaverse, with culture coins as cryptocurrency? Where can history and culture stand in the Metaverse?
SIDS Student Chapter - Design Hackathon Presentation by Finalists
The SIDS Student Chapter - comprising design students from different local institutions - held a design hackathon competition where contestants pitched their ideas for green interiors, healthy building, and sustainability.
At the Convention, four finalist groups presented their schemes before attendees voted for their favourite via QR codes on the screen. These schemes revolved around:
Organising the work space from the living space at home
Modular structures for space division
Space sectioning
Indoor gardening and co-existing with nature
Healthy living and good indoor air quality
Recyclable materials as home decor
After voting, it was Group 3 who clinched first place, followed by Group 5 and Group 2.
Award Presentation for SIDA 2021 Youth Category
For the SIDA Youth Category this year, 80 entries from six institutions were received across the eight sub-categories.
For each of these sub-categories, Honorary Mentions (HM), Bronze, Silver, and Gold were awarded.
Here are the winners for SIDA 2021 Youth Category:
Best In Exhibition Design

Best in F&B Design
Best in Hospitality Design
Best in Pandemic Design Solution (NEW CATEGORY)

Best in Public Space Design
Best in Residential Design

Best in Retail Design
Best in Workspace Design

Renotalk congratulates all the winners for the SIDA 2021 Youth Category.
Panel Discussion
This was the last event for the Convention.
Ar. Tang and Ms Cheng were joined by Mr Fann Zhi Jie (Honorary Treasurer of SIDS) with Ms Kelly Chin (Creative Director of d'Phenomenal Pte Ltd) for this panel discussion, discussing questions regarding the future of design and how interior designers can adapt to a new age.
Topics being brought up:
What is Designpreneurship? How can designers equip themselves with designpreneurship? Ar. Tang advises picking up business skills next to design skills to run a business smoothly, while Ms Cheng encourages having all-rounded knowledge, learning a bit of everything.
What are small steps or skills designers can take to contribute to this new age of design? Ms Cheng advises reading up on necessary skills (like cyber currency and coding) and upskilling, while noting that while everyone can pick up more skills, it may be impossible to do so due to lack of time. She shares about times she lets her designers off work so that they can learn new skills. Ar. Tang and Ms Chin challenge attendees and designers to think about their passion and how much income they are willing to risk to follow it.
What about advice to young designers? Ms Cheng advises against overworking, imploring young designers to take care of their health. Ar. Tang advises young designers to find a good and experienced mentor to guide them. All the panelists agree that self-care is important and designers should remember work-life balance and not overwork themselves.
For employers and design firm directors, the panelists advise knowing and understanding the mindset of prospective designers (especially young designers) to properly retain them. Closing the generational gap between mentalities will foster good working relationships between directors and designers.
How to combine sustainable design with creative design solutions? Ar. Tang points out that different designs are dependent on the contexts, situations, and environments. The client’s needs, wants, and lifestyle should always be considered when designing for them. Ms Cheng adds on that a good concept and story will help create a good design.
The Convention’s keynote speakers and Ms Kelly Chin were thanked with certificates of appreciation, ending the Singapore Interior Design Convention. The Singapore Interior Design Awards kicked off later that evening.
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