Think that termites only invade landed properties? Then you couldn’t be more wrong. These furniture-destroying pests can penetrate the highest point in any building hence high-rise HDB or condo dwellers need to be aware of these insects too.
They are so insidious that they may dwell in your home literally for years before being discovered. By then, it might be too late to save your expensive wood flooring from ruin.
Wood flooring damaged by termites
Keep your home dry
Termites are particularly drawn to moist and damp conditions as water is primary to their survival. Ensure that there are no leaks (especially air conditioner leaks) or standing water spots at home. Be vigilant about keeping your home as dry as possible at all times.
Termite-infested wood
Reduce amount of wood at home
As wood is their main food source, the best advice is to reduce the amount of wood at home. Or switch to woods that are resistant to termites such as black walnut, Eastern red cedar and Pacific yew. Avoid storing books, wooden tools or instruments (such as guitars) unattended for too long in damp and dark areas. If you do, take these out regularly to check for traces of termites.
Book damaged by termites
Seal cracks in home exterior
Termites access your home primarily through cracks or openings in your home exterior such as windows and doors. When these cracks are sealed or caulked properly, termite access is much reduced. Be mindful of gaps in external pipes and wiring too.
Have regular checks by pest control
If you happen to have a lot of expensive wood furniture at home and if they cost too much to replace, your best bet is to have regular checks conducted by a pest control professional. These professionals can expertly check for termite colonies hidden beneath surfaces or away from normal vision.
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