8 Reasons Why You Need to Redesign Your Home before the End of the Year
Interior Design & Decor5 minutes read
(Guest Writer: Kristina Marshall)
Our homes are meant to be an oasis where we can vanish away from the world. This year, more than any before, we've had to put that to the test.
Everyone's homes feel a little old now, a little worn down and used up, so it makes sense that so many are turning to revitalizing and updating their homes. If you're on the fence about why you should redesign your home, here are some simple arguments to help you make your decision.
1. Move Past The Bad
Image © Lisa Fotios via Pexels
This year has put our minds and bodies through more than we've ever experienced. From social distancing and having to be away from loved ones to the possible loss of those we care about, there's a lot of anguish and pain we've all had to deal with.
If you're among these numbers, and you're scared and heartbroken at what the year has done- it's time for a change. Changing your surroundings can help get our minds out of depression ruts and give us the chance to feel like we're getting a fresh start.
Although you'll still be in the same home, this change can allow you to feel like you've moved or like you're starting over. There's no better way to end a year and create a new one than to make a massive change like redesigning.
2. Gives You A Reason To Deep Clean
Image © Skitterphoto via Pexels
There are some parts of your home that you'd rather avoid cleaning or maintaining if you could. From helping your child clean their closet or under their bed to having to finally empty your drunk drawer or cabinet and get rid of crud you don't need: there's a lot to deal with.
Redesigning your home can allow you to clean and clear out those spaces and set yourself up for success. Getting rid of clutter helps us think better, feel better, and gives us a sense of pride in our surroundings.
You don't have to get down with a toothbrush and clean your grout, but picking up a grout whitener at the store can help you feel like you did.
3. A Project To Think About
A study last year found that seventy-five percent of Americans have a creative hobby of some sort. This high percentage doesn't necessarily mean that we're all out there painting or creating masterpieces, but that creative outlet helps make our day jobs more manageable.
Putting your creativity into redesigning your home decor is a great way to focus whatever nervous energy you have into something productive. You can spend your time checking out new tile patterns instead of doom scrolling or even compare Lovesac to different couch brands instead of worrying yourself sick about your loved ones. This type of project will help you think about something productive.
4. Gives You The Power Of Change
Many people feel helpless this year. We work to maintain ourselves and to protect those we love, but there's still a lot in the air that we can't stop from happening. If you're in this camp, lost and helpless, then redesigning your home is something you can do to gain control.
You can make physical changes to your surroundings and create a space that feels safe and warm. Although it's just a simple project, having authority over something like this can help us feel like we have a steady hand in our lives.
5. Something To Do With Family
If you have kids, a partner, or a roommate, this is something you can work together on. A project with a common goal helps people bond and feel closer to each other.
Although some arguing may arise about things like wall colour or what type of faucet the bathroom sink needs, these are little fights you can quickly move past. Use this project as a way to strengthen your communication and relationships. We're all stuck in this together; we must support each other.
6. You Can Do It Slowly
Image © Visually Us via Pexels
Unlike how home design used to be completed quickly, so you didn't have guests walking through a half-finished kitchen, we can take our time this year. Work at your own pace, and create projects on your schedule.
Since most Americans are currently working from home, you can pop into your kitchen, take down cabinets on your lunch break, or test out wall colour swatches within minutes of getting off work.
Workaround your schedule, and don't rush yourself! Your home is going to be there for you, so take your time.
7. Puts You In Motion
Most people are living a stationary lifestyle right now. Doctors are warning about weight we may be putting on staying at home, and because of this, we must move as much as we can. Redesigning and decorating your home are things that can put you into motion.
Whether you're tearing down wallpaper or putting down new tiles, these motions are better than just sitting on the couch and watching television. Although you shouldn't push yourself too far, you can have fun with this and get inspired to work out inside your home more.
8. Something To Show Off When This Is Over
Eventually, there will be a vaccine, which will be administered to all, and with that will come the ability to walk out into the world and invite people into your home. Completing this project will allow you to have something to be proud of, and to feel like you've accomplished something great while the world was on lockdown.
Instead of thinking about how worried you were this year, you can think about how much work you put into updating and redesigning your beautiful home. Giving yourself something to be proud of is a great goal this year.
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