7 Colour Combinations You'll Fall In Love With
Interior Design & Decor3 minutes read
Scandinavian homes with monochromatic vibes rose to the top last year, but those craving for colour need not worry, because trends be damned, since you're the type to usually think out of the box anyway. If a whirlwind of colour is your thing just embrace it, splashing your walls with as many shades as you wish. And if you happen to be pondering over colour combinations at the moment, these wonderful pairings might serve as a bit of inspiration.
1. A Little Graphic
Black is outstanding against a ton of colours, so it's a marvelous choice if you're going to use it for a patterned wall. Pairing it with orange and blue creates a three way contrast, since each colour is able to stand out even when placed next to one another.
2. Rich Shades Of Royalty
Associated with royalty, power and wealth, purple is a great shade for walls. Deep versions of the colour match gorgeously with turquoise, creating a very obvious pop when paired together. It's a balanced mix, one that's definitely not jarring to the eyes.
3. Nothing Wrong With Neon
Some people shun neon because too much can be overkill, but we think accessorizing an apartment with such bright shades will make it look so much more alive. The fun's in mixing a bunch of neons in the form of furniture, but if you'd like to tone down the overall effect, light grey walls can be of some help.
4. An Obsession With Green
It's difficult to find home owners who let green dominate their interior, but if it happens to be your favourite colour there's no need to fret, because all you'll need to do is pair it with teal and turquoise. Although there isn't a huge contrast between these colours, they'll work harmoniously together to create an elegant setting.
5. Femininity And Masculinity
Stereotypically, girls are more prone to picking pink while guys prefer blue. But what about a blend of both shades? Truth be told we love the colour combination to bits, and these quirky little flamingos filling up a rich blue wall is an idea worth trying.
6. Back To Basics
Why bother with fancy shades when you can play around with basic primary and secondary colours? Red, green and blue make a lovely combination, producing a sense of poise and vibrancy that no other combination can quite compare to.
7. No Limits
For those who really can't narrow their choices down, how about combining a whole bunch of colours and creating a rainbow? It's a cheerful touch to any home, and we love it when paired with lighter pastel shades all in the same setting.
Read related: What Does the Colour of Your Home Say About You?
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