3 Colours That Foster Learning and Focus
Interior Design & Decor5 minutes read
(Guest Writer: Mila Evans)
Everyone knows that the wrong colours for our interior or clothing may cause disastrous results for our lifestyles. You've probably noticed how colours affect our lives, right? For example, when we're in a bad mood, we may dress in grey or black. Those colours, in turn, could worsen our mood. It's a vicious circle.
But if you surround yourself with bright colours, like orange, for example, your pessimistic mood will quickly change to an optimistic one. And knowing how colours affect us, we can increase our concentration or, conversely, decrease it when it is time to close your laptop or book and rest.
These three colours are good for concentration and studying: yellow, blue and green.
1. Yellow
Yellow symbolizes the sun, encouraging clarity of mind, ingenuity and originality. Yellow carries the semantics of change, discharge, and dynamic tendency. It represents humour, and it is not without reason that emoticons are coloured in yellow.
Physiologically, it is the first colour recognized by the human eye. Visually, it is brighter and more voluminous than white. Yellow suits those who are unsure of themselves and those who need to draw attention to themselves.
Therefore, if yellow is the colour chosen for one's study or workspace, the student using it may have minimal need for essay writing service, as yellow will boost them in focusing on their tasks by themselves. Moreover, it has been proven that yellow has a positive effect on memory.
This colour is also recommended for the workspace interior if you're constantly 'brainstorming', coming up with ideas and working on new projects.
2. Blue
Blue is both a calming and energising colour. It also represents conservatism, supports communication, and helps to overcome anxiety and excitement, which is frequently encountered at school especially during exams.
Combining blue and white is suitable for any occasion; in fact, blue is so versatile that it can be combined with other colours for everyday attire. According to psychologists, this colour helps to restore balance in life.
Blue, when used in the workplace's interior, helps to maintain maximum attention and high concentration. It is also recommended for monotonous and long work that requires good concentration.
3. Green
Green is the most comfortable colour for visual perception. It also relieves fatigue and improves muscle tone, and is considered the perfect colour for strength accumulation. It is also the colour of stability and prosperity, which is why experts often recommend using it in interiors for school or college students.
An experiment was once carried out on how colours affect the concentration of schoolchildren. They were given concentration tests for a week on white, red, and green paper. And each day, they entered the data into a chart.
After the experiment, it was determined that focusing on green paper was more effective, while red created colour fatigue and resulted in more frequent mistakes. The colour white appeared to be neutral for concentration.
Where To Use Them
It is encouraged to use these colours in places where learning, studying, and working are the top activities, such as study spaces and workplaces.
If you work in an office where you are sharing the space with many employees, it is unlikely that you are allowed to paint the walls whenever you like. Not only will you need a permit, but you may also need to finance your idea and invest time in painting your walls.
But if you have a home office or a separate room in the house for work, you can change the interior however you want and arrange things the way you want.
You can decorate your desk with frames, calendars, pens, notebooks, figurines and many other accessories in yellow, blue, or green.
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