10 Tips For Architecture And Design Students
Living & Lifestyle5 minutes read
(Guest Writer: Heather Clark)
If you are a design student, then late-nights and project crams may have become your best buddies. As you manoeuvre this important stage of your life, what are some tips and tricks you should adopt to help you through your student years?
Here are 10 useful habits to adopt and apply.
1. Don't Work At Midnight
Usually, future designers and architects especially plan their working hours. Instead of sitting for hours on another project during the day, they wait for the night to reclaim lost time.
Architects with a lot of work experience do not sit at night, because they work out their 8 hours in the office. At the same time, their employment does not exceed the workload of students who sleep on desks, on the keyboard at the table, which is littered with glasses of beer or Starbucks.
When such cunning students brag about their night vigils or exploits, it looks naive and ridiculous in the eyes of more experienced and successful comrades. Set your priorities correctly, do the most important tasks first, and leave writing essays to professionals and buy essays online.
2. Do Not Make The Changes Before Submitting The Project
Usually, those changes you make in the last minutes before the project is completed do more harm than real benefit. It is better to learn this truth right away before you get a lot of bumps. Plan in advance by thinking about the number of days you want to spend on the project. Don't forget about new original parts.
Remember, if you cannot submit your project correctly because you constantly make corrections and do not prepare a high-quality presentation, it is unlikely that anyone will like it. Especially those people who evaluate this project may not like it.
Photo by Anete Lusina from Pexels
3. If The Work Is Good, Don't Ruin It With Poor Presentation
If your project is worked out "from and to", then the teacher knows how much time and effort was invested in it. This will count. Therefore, it is easier to relate to the opinion of the jury or examiners, who have only 10 minutes to form their own opinion. Work on making a great visual that everyone will love. But experts should still understand what the project is and how working it is.
4. The Shelf Life Of Your Portfolio Is A Maximum of 3 Years
You need to start collecting the portfolio during the training. But always watch what you add to it. Replace one work with another in time before they start working against you.
If you love your student portfolio, show it to your friends, get together with your classmates and remember how much fun it was for you to sketch and draw.
Now start building a professional portfolio by picking on your work as a true critic. Only in this way will you motivate yourself for continuous improvement.
5. Hard Work Is Always Visible
Teachers always see and know who is trying, who is interested in learning and working on themselves. Do not be deceived and do not try to deceive anyone; it is better to show real diligence and perseverance.
6. Take Additional Courses
Our universities do not teach themselves to promote and sell their professionalism. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, find such courses and start working on your brand today.
Think about what other extracurricular activities will help you in your work, and start learning. Some other courses you can take up include those on real estate, business, digital marketing, and brand promotion.
Image from UX Planet
7. Visit Your Teacher During Office Hours
Take time to go to the teacher, for example, of your respective department, say hello, and ask a few questions about your project. Believe me, this gesture will then be favourably "reflected" in your record book.
8. Always Remember Who Is Who
Don't build friendships with teachers. According to Bob Borson, a teacher is more your client than a friend. When you talk with a teacher about your project, about your work, you need to formulate the arguments prepared in advance. You must be able to present and defend your decisions because you know your project better.
The instructors' job is not to do the project for you. The mission of the teacher is to help you go through the professional path that you have chosen for yourself.
9. Judging By a Jury or Commissioner Is Not At All What You Think
The jury and examiners often evaluate not your project, but how skillfully you present it. The ability to communicate effectively is often more important than the ability to design.
Therefore, learn to communicate, learn to establish a connection with a client, present your work correctly, and determine its value. Communication is a valuable asset that is essential in all career paths.
Successful people know how not only to create but also to present themselves and their work to the audience.
10. Break The Rules!
The best projects are not those that are highly functional or practical, but those that evoke a storm of emotions. Keep this in mind during the conceptual stage.
Also, break the rules and don't work after midnight!
Author Bio: Heather Clark is a freelance designer with more than 5 years of experience and with a great passion for architecture.
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