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Compressed/broken Marble Vs Homogeneous Tiles

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I'm confused on choosing the tiles for my 4-room resale. Can anyone pls advice?

Compressed/Broken Marble vs Homogeneous Tiles wat is the price difference like? Pros and Cons?

So far I enquired 2 IDs, 1 I didn't mention on marble flooring and the other indirectly condemn marble flooring. I dunno is it bcos he look down on me or profit margin for Homo is higher.

All inputs greatly appreciated!!


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I'm also considering compressed marble. From what i know, it cost slightly more than homogenous tiles. It is considerably a lot cheaper than marble tiles. However, i'm not sure if it is as easy to stain as marble tiles and whether can it be repolished.


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Real Marble is agar agar $12psf, Compressed Marble maybe ard $9psf, Homo Gloss agar agar $3.50psf.

Homo cannot polish on site, therefore if workmanship poor, (when see under flourescent tube, reflection not consistent) then LL. Can be workmanship, can be tile warp, can be tile edging not flat. But homo tile can take a lot of abuse.

In general, marble is able to polish on site to achieve that continous high gloss look, but if kena lime juice, then game over liao. Being porous, the acid will eat through entire depth of tile.

Real Marble more pattern look more grand, and is also harder than Compressed Marble. Compressed marble problem is that it is not hard enough, easily scratched. Is prefered over real marble because some ppl like consistent tonality.

My opinion is there is no one correct answer as to which is better. Some ppl want marble but also want consistent tonality.

Personally, I will try to mix and match to get the best of both worlds. Homo floor but Emporado marble skirting is nice leh.


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Marbles are compressed undersea minerals over long time. Loss its shine over time, look fade & dull over time. Granite needs to saturate the porous content by mopping floor over ~ 6 months. For kitchen, best to choose darker colour granite.... All natural stones contain minerals, subject to acidic liquid attack.

Granites got little "diamonds", seen only close distance, with light.

Edited by bepgof

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ok as a salesman myself for marble and granite

the compressed marble is not as durable as to homogenous tiles

Compresses marble is weaker in strength compared to homogenous tiles

during the manufacturing of compresed marble is , the internal structure of the compressed marble is not 100% vaccummedd and there are air pores in the compressed marble and in homogenous tiles , the way they make it , there are lesser air pores in the tiles , thus making stronger .

in lay man tiles , u can poke homogeonus tile 100 times with heavy object but compresses marble 50 to 70 times


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Do you know about the Egyptian marble ? do you know that the Egyptian marble is the best marble around the world, the Egyptian Marble has a wide variety of types it can look sophisticated or simple, warm or cool, elegant or rustic due to its wide range of colors such as : sunny, silvia ,topica rosa ,sinai pearl

also the Egyptian granite is one of the best granite over the world It resists wear, deterioration and weathering, while maintaining its natural beauty and finish indefinitely,

there are many types of the Egyptian granite such as : gandona aswan , karnak gray , shabah Sinai , nero aswan and another marvelous types .

cid egypt can export any types of the Egyptian marble and granite to any place over the world with affordable prices , cid Egypt also provide After-sales service

cid egypt have created unique and innovative designs with co-operation of Mr. Hazem Shoukry designs who are the best natural stone designer in Egypt and middle


with cid Egypt you can order delivery and installation easily, do you know that cid Egypt recently made a deal with HSBC to protect your deposit until you receive your order!

This means that your money is secure until you receive the goods you are paying for ultimately making you feel more secure and relaxed when dealing with us.

marble tiles


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